• Drowning is not so pitiful

    As the attempt to rise

    Three times, 'tis said, a sinking man

    Comes up to face the skies,

    And then declines forever

    To that abhorred abode,

    Where hope and he part company —

    For he is grasped of God.

    The Maker's cordial visage,

    However good to...

  •         Deal kindly with those speechless ones,

                That throng our gladsome earth;

            Say not the bounteous gift of life

                Alone is nothing worth.


            What though with mournful memories

                They sigh not for the past?

            What though their ever joyous...

  •         Upon his canvas Nature starts to life,

                Clear waters flow, majestic trees arise, --

            The earth and air with beauty's shapes are rife,

                And over all there bend his glorious skies.


            Yes, this is Nature -- living, breathing, warm,

                Ere yet her face...

  • Dust is the only Secret —

    Death, the only One

    You cannot find out all about

    In his "native town."

    Nobody know "his Father" —

    Never was a Boy —

    Hadn't any playmates,

    Or "Early history" —

    Industrious! Laconic!

    Punctual! Sedate!

    Bold as a Brigand!...

  • Oh, some folk think vice-royalty is festive and hilarious,

    The duties of an A.D.C. are manifold and various,

    So listen, whilst I tell in song

    The duties of an aide-de-cong.

    Whatsoever betide

    To the Governor's side

    We must stick -- or the public would eat him --

    For each bounder we see...

  • Dying at my music!

    Bubble! Bubble!

    Hold me till the Octave's run!

    Quick! Burst the Windows!


    Phials left, and the Sun!

  • VITAL spark of heav'nly flame!

      Quit, O quit this mortal frame:

      Trembling, hoping, ling'ring, flying,

      O the pain, the bliss of dying!

    Cease, fond Nature, cease thy strife,

    And let me languish into life.


      Hark! they whisper; angels say,

      Sister Spirit...

  • Dying! Dying in the night!

    Won't somebody bring the light

    So I can see which way to go

    Into the everlasting snow?

    And "Jesus"! Where is Jesus gone?

    They said that Jesus — always came —

    Perhaps he doesn't know the House —

    This way, Jesus, Let him pass!

    Somebody run to...

  • Dying! To be afraid of thee

    One must to thine Artillery

    Have left exposed a Friend —

    Than thine old Arrow is a Shot

    Delivered straighter to the Heart

    The leaving Love behind.

    Not for itself, the Dust is shy,

    But, enemy, Beloved be

    Thy Batteries divorce.


  • Each Life Converges to some Centre —

    Expressed — or still —

    Exists in every Human Nature

    A Goal —

    Embodied scarcely to itself — it may be —

    Too fair

    For Credibility's presumption

    To mar —

    Adored with caution — as a Brittle Heaven —

    To reach
