• Do People moulder equally,

    They bury, in the Grave?

    I do believe a Species

    As positively live

    As I, who testify it

    Deny that I — am dead —

    And fill my Lungs, for Witness —

    From Tanks — above my Head —

    I say to you, said Jesus —

    That there be standing here...

  • *

    Do what you will this Life’s a fiction,[3]

    And is made up [o][4] of Contradiction.


  • Dominion lasts until obtained —

    Possession just as long —

    But these — endowing as they flit

    Eternally belong.

    How everlasting are the Lips

    Known only to the Dew —

    These are the Brides of permanence

    Supplanting me and you.

  • A great stone man rose like a tower on board,

       Stood at the helm and cleft the flood profound:

    But the calm hero, leaning on his sword,

       Gazed back, and would not offer one look round.

  • Don't put up my Thread and Needle —

    I'll begin to Sew

    When the Birds begin to whistle —

    Better Stitches — so —

    These were bent — my sight got crooked —

    When my mind — is plain

    I'll do seams — a Queen's endeavor

    Would not blush to own —

    Hems — too fine for Lady's...

  •                I

    Can we, by any strength of ours,

    Thrust back this hostile world

    That tears us from ourselves,

    As a child from the womb,

    A weak lover from light breasts?

    Is there any hope?

    Can we believe

    That not in wild perversity,

    In blinding cruelty,...

  • Down Time's quaint stream

    Without an oar

    We are enforced to sail

    Our Port a secret

    Our Perchance a Gale

    What Skipper would

    Incur the Risk

    What Buccaneer would ride

    Without a surety from the Wind

    Or schedule of the Tide —

  • DEAR love, for nothing less than thee

    Would I have broke this happy dream;
    It was a theme

    For reason, much too strong for fantasy.

    Therefore thou waked'st me wisely; yet

    My dream thou brokest not, but continued'st it.

    Thou art so true that thoughts of thee...

  • PHOEBUS, expell'd by the approaching night,

    Blush'd, and for shame clos'd in his bashful light,

    While I, with leaden Mopheus overcome,

    The Muse whom I adore, enter'd the room.

    Her hair, with looser curiosity,

    Did on her comely back dishevelle'd lie;

    Her eyes...