    * * *

    Delicate Hands & Heads will never appear

    While Titians &c as in the Book of Moonlight p 5

  • Delight is as the flight —

    Or in the Ratio of it,

    As the Schools would say —

    The Rainbow's way —

    A Skein

    Flung colored, after Rain,

    Would suit as bright,

    Except that flight

    Were Aliment —

    "If it would last"

    I asked the East,

    When that Bent...

  • Delight — becomes pictorial —

    When viewed through Pain —

    More fair — because impossible

    Than any gain —

    The Mountain — at a given distance —

    In Amber — lies —

    Approached — the Amber flits — a little —

    And That's — the Skies —

  • Delight's Despair at setting

    Is that Delight is less

    Than the sufficing Longing

    That so impoverish.

    Enchantment's Perihelion

    Mistaken oft has been

    For the Authentic orbit

    Of its Anterior Sun.

  • Denial — is the only fact

    Perceived by the Denied —

    Whose Will — a numb significance —

    The Day the Heaven died —

    And all the Earth strove common round —

    Without Delight, or Beam —

    What Comfort was it Wisdom — was —

    The spoiler of Our Home?

  • Departed to the judgment,

    A mighty afternoon ;

    Great clouds like ushers leaning,

    Creation looking on.

    The flesh surrendered, cancelled,

    The bodiless begun ;

    Two worlds, like audiences, disperse

    And leave the...

  • Deprived of other Banquet,

    I entertained Myself —

    At first — a scant nutrition —

    An insufficient Loaf —

    But grown by slender addings

    To so esteemed a size

    'Tis sumptuous enough for me —

    And almost to suffice

    A Robin's famine able —

    Red Pilgrim, He and I —...

  •    To Rosalinda, now from town retir'd,

    Where noblest hearts her brilliant eyes have fir'd;

    Whom nightingales in fav'rite bow'rs delight,

    Where sweetest flow'rs perfume the fragrant night;

    Where music's charms enchant the fleeting hours,

    And wit transports with all Thalia's pow'rs;

  • Despair's advantage is achieved

    By suffering — Despair —

    To be assisted of Reverse

    One must Reverse have bore —

    The Worthiness of Suffering like

    The Worthiness of Death

    Is ascertained by tasting —

    As can no other Mouth

    Of Savors — make us conscious —


  • Come Grief, and sing a solemn dirge
    Beneath this midnight shade;

    From central darkness now emerge,
    And tread the lonely glade.

    Attend each...