• 1 PASTOR, thou art from us taken

          In the glory of thy years,

      As the oak, by tempests shaken,

          Falls ere time its verdure sears.

    2 Pale and cold we see thee lying

          In God's temple, once so dear.

      And the mourners' bitter sighing

          Falls unheeded on thine ear...

  • Death sets a Thing significant

    The Eye had hurried by

    Except a perished Creature

    Entreat us tenderly

    To ponder little Workmanships

    In Crayon, or in Wool,

    With "This was last Her fingers did" —

    Industrious until —

    The Thimble weighed too heavy —

    The stitches...

  • Death warrants are supposed to be

    An enginery of equity

    A merciful mistake

    A pencil in an Idol's Hand

    A Devotee has oft consigned

    To Crucifix or Block

  • Death's Waylaying not the sharpest

    Of the thefts of Time —

    There Marauds a sorer Robber,

    Silence — is his name —

    No Assault, nor any Menace

    Doth betoken him.

    But from Life's consummate Cluster —

    He supplants the Balm.

  • Declaiming Waters none may dread —

    But Waters that are still

    Are so for that most fatal cause

    In Nature — they are full —

  • The flowers of romance that I cherished,
    Around me lie withered and dead;

    The stars of my youth's shining heaven,
    Were but meteors whose brightness misled;

  • It was the lunatic poet escaped from the local asylum,

    Loudly he twanged on his banjo and sang with his voice like a saw-mill,

    While as with fervour he sang there was borne o'er the shuddering wildwood,

    Borne on the breath of the poet a flavour of rum and of onions.

    He sang of the Deficit Demon that dwelt in the Treasury...

  • Defrauded I a Butterfly —

    The lawful Heir — for Thee —

  • Delayed till she had ceased to know —

    Delayed till in its vest of snow

    Her loving bosom lay —

    An hour behind the fleeting breath —

    Later by just an hour than Death —

    Oh lagging Yesterday!

    Could she have guessed that it would be —

    Could but a crier of the joy

    Have climbed the...

  • Delia, th' unkindest girl on earth,

       When I besought the fair,

    That favour of intrinsic worth,

       A ringlet of her hair, -

    Refus'd that instant to comply

       With my absurd request,

    For reasons she could specify,

       Some twenty score at least.

    Trust me, my dear,...