• Dare you see a Soul at the White Heat? —

    Then crouch within the door —

    Red — is the Fire's common tint —

    But when the vivid Ore

    Has vanquished Flame's conditions,

    It quivers from the Forge

    Without a color, but the light

    Of unanointed Blaze.

    Least Village has its...

  • DARK Angel, with thine aching lust

    To rid the world of penitence:

    Malicious Angel, who still dost

    My soul such subtile violence!

    Because of thee, no thought, no thing,

    Abides for me undesecrate:

    Dark Angel, ever on the wing,

    Who never reachest me too late!

    When music...

  • When night is almost done,

    And sunrise grows so near

    That we can touch the spaces,

    It 's time to smooth the hair

    And get the...

  • Talk not of sad November, when a day

    Of warm, glad sunshine fills the sky of noon,

    And a wind, borrowed from some morn of June,

    Stirs the brown grasses and the leafless spray.

    On the unfrosted pool the pillared pines

    Lay their long shafts of shadow: the small rill,

    Singing a pleasant song of summer...

  • The daylight is dying

    Away in the west,

    The wild birds are flying

    In silence to rest;

    In leafage and frondage

    Where shadows are deep,

    They pass to its bondage --

    The kingdom of sleep.

    And watched in their sleeping

    By stars in the height,

    They rest in...

  • I.

    Your ghost will walk, you lover of trees,

            (If our loves remain)

            In an English lane,

    By a cornfield-side a-flutter with poppies.

    Hark, those two in the hazel coppice—

    A boy and a girl, if the good fates please,

            Making love, say,—

            The happier...

  • Dear March — Come in —

    How glad I am —

    I hoped for you before —

    Put down your Hat —

    You must have walked —

    How out of Breath you are —

    Dear March, Come right up the stairs with me —

    I have so much to tell —

    I got your Letter, and the Birds —

    The Maples...

  • Apparently with no surprise

    To any happy flower,

    The frost beheads it at its play

    In accidental power.

    The blond assassin passes on,

    The sun proceeds unmoved

    To measure off another day

    For an approving God....

  • Death is the supple Suitor

    That wins at last —

    It is a stealthy Wooing

    Conducted first

    By pallid innuendoes

    And dim approach

    But brave at last with Bugles

    And a bisected Coach

    It bears away in triumph

    To Troth unknown

    And Kindred as responsive


  • Death leaves Us homesick, who behind,

    Except that it is gone

    Are ignorant of its Concern

    As if it were not born.

    Through all their former Places, we

    Like Individuals go

    Who something lost, the seeking for

    Is all that's left them, now —