• THE sparkling eye that ruled the heart

          Hath lost its magic beam,

    And in the socket, heavily,

          Like warning lamp doth gleam.

    The wearied ear remits its toil,

          Rejects the music-strain,

    And with the folly of the world

          No longer loads the brain.


  •   The wind got up moaning, and blew to a breeze;

       I sat with my face closely pressed on the pane;

       In a minute or two it began to rain,

      And put out the sunset-fire in the trees.

      In the clouds' black faces broke out dismay

       That ran of a sudden up half the sky,

       And the team, cutting...

  • I

    HE was a Grecian lad, who coming home

    With pulpy figs and wine from Sicily

    Stood at his galley's prow, and let the foam

    Blow through his crisp brown curls unconsciously,

    And holding wave and wind in boy's despite

    Peered from his dripping seat across the wet and stormy night.


  • "WHAT shall I render Thee! Father Supreme,

    For thy rich gifts, and this the best of all?"

    Said a young mother, as she fondly watched

         Her sleeping babe.

                    There was an answering voice

         That night in dreams.

                    "Thou hast a little bud

    Wrapt in...

  •         The Paint-King, envious of his cunning art,

                To him the tinted palette would not lend;

            So has he dipped the pencil in his heart,

                And with his light and shade its hues still blend.

  •    LORD, lead my heart to learn;

          Prepare my ears to hear;

       And let me useful knowledge seek,

         In thy most holy fear.

       If unforgiven sin

          Within my bosom lies,

       Or evil motives linger there

          T' offend thy perfect eyes,—

       Remove them...

  • If heaven the grateful liberty would give

    That I might choose my method how to live,

    And all those hours propitious fate should lend,

    In blissful ease and satisfaction spend:

    Near some fair town I'd have a private seat,

    Built uniform, not little, nor too great:

    Better if on a rising ground it stood;...

  •             Eighteen hundred years agone

            Was that deed of darkness done --

            Was that sacred, thorn-crowned head

            To a shameful death betrayed,

            And Iscariot's traitor name

            Blazoned in eternal shame.

            Thou, disciple of our time,

            Follower of...

  • The dark night is ending and dawn has begun;

    Rise, hope of the ages, arise like the sun,

        All speech flow to music, all hearts beat as one!


    Blow, bugles of battle, the marches of peace;

    East, west, north, and south let the long quarrel...

  • Oh, hush thee, little Dear-my-Soul,

       The evening shades are falling,---

    Hush thee, my dear, dost thou not hear

       The voice of the Master calling?

    Deep lies the snow upon the earth,

       But all the sky is ringing

    With joyous song, and all night long

       The stars shall dance, with...