• A Cap of Lead across the sky

    Was tight and surly drawn

    We could not find the mighty Face

    The Figure was withdrawn —

    A Chill came up as from a shaft

    Our noon became a well

    A Thunder storm combines the charms

    Of Winter and of Hell.

  • OBSCUREST night involv'd the sky,

       Th' Atlantic billows roar'd,

    When such a destin'd wretch as I,

       Wash'd headlong from on board,

    Of friends, of hope, of all bereft,

    His floating home forever left.

    No braver chief could Albion boast

       Than he with whom he went

    Nor ever...

  • *

    The Caverns of the Grave Ive seen

    And these I shewd to Englands Queen

    But now the Caves of Hell I view

    Who shall I dare to shew them to
    5What mighty Soul in Beautys form...

  •                               PROLOGUE TO GENERAL HAMLEY


                      Our birches yellowing and from each

                          The light leaf falling fast,

                      While squirrels from our fiery beech

                          Were bearing off the mast,

  •            O Thou who once on earth beneath the weight

                  Of our mortality didst live and move,

                  The incarnation of profoundest love;

               Who on the Cross that love didst consummate,

                  Whose deep and ample fullness could embrace

                  The poorest, meanest of our...