• By my Window have I for Scenery

    Just a Sea — with a Stem —

    If the Bird and the Farmer — deem it a "Pine" —

    The Opinion will serve — for them —

    It has no Port, nor a "Line" — but the Jays —

    That split their route to the Sky —

    Or a Squirrel, whose giddy Peninsula

    May be easier reached —...

  • By such and such an offering

    To Mr. So and So,

    The web of live woven —

    So martyrs albums show!

  • Far to the Northward there lies a land,

    A wonderful land that the winds blow over,

    And none may fathom or understand

    The charm it holds for the restless rover;

    A great grey chaos -- a land half made,

    Where endless space is and no life stirreth;

    There the soul of a man will recoil afraid


  • By the Hoof of the Wild Goat uptossed

    From the cliff where she lay in the Sun

    Fell the Stone

    To the Tarn where the daylight is lost,

    So she fell from the light of the Sun

    And alone!

    Now the fall was ordained from the first

    With the Goat and the Cliff and the Tarn,

    But the...

  •  I bore my mystic chalice unto Earth

        With vintage which no lips of hers might name;

      Only, in token of its alien birth,

        Love crowned it with his soft, immortal flame,

               And, 'mid the world's wide sound,

          Sacred reserves and silences breathed round,--

        A spell to keep it pure...

  • * * *

    Can there be any thing more mean

    More Malice in disguise

    Than Praise a Man for doing what

    That Man does most despise
    5 Reynolds Lectures Exactly so

    When he praises Michael Angelo


  • Candor — my tepid friend —

    Come not to play with me —

    The Myrrhs, and Mochas, of the Mind

    Are its iniquity —

  • FOR God's sake hold your tongue, and let me love;
    Or chide my palsy, or my gout;
    My five gray hairs, or ruin'd fortune flout;

    With wealth your state, your mind with arts improve;