
    I was buried near this Dike

    That my Friends may weep as much as they like

  • If I might see another Spring

       I'd not plant summer flowers and wait:

    I'd have my crocuses at once,

    My leafless pink mezereons,

       My chill-veined snowdrops, choicer yet

       My white or azure violet,

    Leaf-nested primrose; anything

       To blow at once not late.

    If I might see...

  •    MISS Molly lays down as a positive rule,

    That no one should marry for love, but a fool:
    Exceptions to rules even Lilly allows;
    Moll has sure an example at home in her spouse.

  • Well, I've waited mighty patient while they all came rolling in,

    Mister Lawson, Mister Dyson, and the others of their kin,

    With their dreadful, dismal stories of the Overlander's camp,

    How his fire is always smoky, and his boots are always damp;

    And they paint it so terrific it would fill one's soul with gloom --


  • Apology for Her

    Be rendered by the Bee —

    Herself, without a Parliament

    Apology for Me.

  • When, in the miser's eager gaze,

        His countless treasures lie,

    Then most his coward spirit sinks,

        With dread of poverty.

    And when I felt within my grasp,

        The treasure of thy love;

    The insatiate avarice of the heart

        Fierce with my spirit strove.


  • Apparently with no surprise

    To any happy Flower

    The Frost beheads it at its play —

    In accidental power —

    The blonde Assassin passes on —

    The Sun proceeds unmoved

    To measure off another Day

    For an Approving God.

  • I plucked pink blossoms from mine apple-tree

       And wore them all that evening in my hair:

    Then in due season when I went to see

          I found no apples there.

    With dangling basket all along the grass

       As I had come I went the selfsame track:

    My neighbours mocked me while they saw me pass

  • I have found violets. April hath come on,

    And the cool winds feel softer, and the rain

    Falls in the beaded drops of summer-time.

    You may hear birds at morning, and at eve

    The tame dove lingers till the twilight falls,

    Cooling upon the eaves, and drawing in

    His beautiful, bright neck; and, from the hills...

  • Are Friends Delight or Pain?

    Could Bounty but remain

    Riches were good —

    But if they only stay

    Ampler to fly away

    Riches are sad.