• Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

    And sorry I could not travel both

    And be one traveler, long I stood

    And looked down one as far as I could

    To where it bent in the undergrowth;

    Then took the other, as just as fair,

    And having perhaps the better claim,

    Because it was grassy and wanted...

  • Ample make this Bed —

    Make this Bed with Awe —

    In it wait till Judgment break

    Excellent and Fair.

    Be its Mattress straight —

    Be its Pillow round —

    Let no Sunrise' yellow noise

    Interrupt this Ground —

  • An altered look about the hills —

    A Tyrian light the village fills —

    A wider sunrise in the morn —

    A deeper twilight on the lawn —

    A print of a vermillion foot —

    A purple finger on the slope —

    A flippant fly upon the pane —

    A spider at his trade again —

    An added strut in...

  • An antiquated Grace

    Becomes that cherished Face

    As well as prime

    Enjoining us to part

    We and our pouting Heart

    Good friends with time

  • An Antiquated Tree

    Is cherished of the Crow

    Because that Junior Foliage is disrespectful now

    To venerable Birds

    Whose Corporation Coat

    Would decorate Oblivion's

    Remotest Consulate.

  • Did not my muse (what can she less?)

    Perceive her own unworthiness,

    Could she by some well chosen theme,

    But hope to merit your esteem,

    She would not thus conceal her lays,

    Ambitious to deserve your praise.

    But should my Delia take offence,

    And frown on her impertinence,


  • Did not thy reason and thy sense,

    With most persuasive eloquence,

    Convince me that obedience due

    None may so justly claim as you,

    By right of beauty you would be

    Mistress o'er my heart and me.

    Then fear not I should e'er rebel,

    My gentle love! I might as well

    A forward...

  • An awful Tempest mashed the air —

    The clouds were gaunt, and few —

    A Black — as of a Spectre's Cloak

    Hid Heaven and Earth from view.

    The creatures chuckled on the Roofs —

    And whistled in the air —

    And shook their fists —

    And gnashed their teeth —

    And swung their frenzied...

  • An honest Tear

    Is durabler than Bronze —

    This Cenotaph

    May each that dies —

    Reared by itself —

    No Deputy suffice —

    Gratitude bears

    When Obelisk decays

  • An ignorance a Sunset

    Confer upon the Eye —

    Of Territory — Color —

    Circumference — Decay —

    Its Amber Revelation

    Exhilirate — Debase —

    Omnipotence' inspection

    Of Our inferior face —

    And when the solemn features

    Confirm — in Victory —

    We start —...