• [June, 1645]
    By Obadiah Bind-Their-Kings-in-Chains-and-Their-Nobles-with-Links-of-Iron; Sergeant in Ireton’s Regiment

    O, WHEREFORE come ye forth, in triumph from the north,
    With your hands and your feet and your raiment all red?
    And wherefore doth your rout send forth a joyous shout?
    And whence be the grapes of the wine-press that ye tread?


  • This I got on the day that Goring
    Fought through York, like a wild beast roaring—
    The roofs were black, and the streets were full,
    The doors built up with packs of wool;
    But our pikes made way through a storm of shot,
    Barrel to barrel till locks grew hot;
    Frere fell dead, and Lucas was gone,
    But the drum still beat and the flag went on....

  • [May 11, 1745]
    THRICE at the huts of Fontenoy the English column failed,
    And twice the lines of Saint Antoine the Dutch in vain assailed;
    For town and slope were filled with fort and flanking battery,
    And well they swept the English ranks and Dutch auxiliary.
    As vainly through De Barri’s wood the British soldiers burst,
    The French artillery drove...

  • [April 2, 1801]
    OF Nelson and the north
      Sing the glorious day’s renown,
    When to battle fierce came forth
      All the might of Denmark’s crown,
    And her arms along the deep proudly shone;
      By each gun the lighted brand
      In a bold determined hand,
      And the prince of all the land
    Led them on.

    Like leviathans afloat...

  • [Corunna, Spain, January 16, 1809]
    NOT a drum was heard, not a funeral note,
      As his corse to the rampart we hurried;
    Not a soldier discharged his farewell shot
      O’er the grave where our hero we buried.

    We buried him darkly, at dead of night,
      The sods with our bayonets turning;
    By the struggling moonbeams’ misty light,

  • It was a Sergeant old and gray,
      Well singed and bronzed from siege and pillage,
    Went tramping in an army’s wake
      Along the turnpike of the village.

    For days and nights the winding host
      Had through the little place been marching,
    And ever loud the rustics cheered,
      Till every throat was hoarse and parching.

    The Squire and...

  • [June 15, 1815]
    From “Childe Harold,” Canto III.
      THERE was a sound of revelry by night,
      And Belgium’s capital had gathered then
      Her beauty and her chivalry, and bright
      The lamps shone o’er fair women and brave men;
      A thousand hearts beat happily; and when
      Music arose with its voluptuous swell,
      Soft eyes looked love to...

  • [September 20, 1854]
    WILLIE, fold your little hands;
      Let it drop,—that “soldier” toy;
    Look where father’s picture stands,—
      Father, that here kissed his boy
    Not a mouth since,—father kind,
    Who this night may (never mind
    Mother’s sob, my Willie dear)
    Cry out loud that He may hear
    Who is God of battles,—cry,

  • [October 25, 1854]
    HALF a league, half a league,
      Half a league onward,
    All in the valley of Death
      Rode the six hundred.
    “Forward, the Light Brigade!
    Charge for the guns!” he said;
    Into the valley of Death
      Rode the six hundred.

    “Forward, the Light Brigade!”
    Was there a man dismayed?
    Not though the...

  • [September 25, 1857]
    O, THAT last day in Lucknow fort!
      We knew that it was the last;
    That the enemy’s lines crept surely on,
      And the end was coming fast.

    To yield to that foe meant worse than death;
      And the men and we all worked on;
    It was one day more of smoke and roar,
      And then it would all be done.

    There was...