• John Brown OF OSSAWATOMIE spake on his dying day:
    “I will not have to shrive my soul a priest in Slavery’s pay;
    But let some poor slave-mother whom I have striven to free,
    With her children, from the gallows-stair put up a prayer for me!”

    John Brown of Ossawatomie, they led him out to die;
    And lo! a poor slave-mother with her little child pressed nigh...

  • John Brown’s body lies a-moldering in the grave,
    John Brown’s body lies slumbering in his grave—
    But John Brown’s soul is marching with the brave,
              His soul is marching on.

              Glory, glory, hallelujah!
              Glory, glory, hallelujah!
              Glory, glory, hallelujah!
                His soul is marching on.


  • Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:
    He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
    He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword:
          His truth is marching on.

    I have seen him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps;
    They have builded him an altar in the evening dews and damps;...

  • THY 1 error, Frémont, simply was to act
    A brave man’s part, without the statesman’s tact,
    And, taking counsel but of common sense,
    To strike at cause as well as consequence.
    O, never yet since Roland wound his horn
    At Roncesvalles has a blast been blown
    Far-heard, wide-echoed, startling as thine own,
    Heard from the van of freedom’s hope...

  • The Winds that once the Argo bore
      Have died by Neptune’s ruined shrines,
    And her hull is the drift of the deep-sea floor,
      Though shaped of Pelion’s tallest pines.
    You may seek her crew on every isle
      Fair in the foam of Ægean seas,
    But out of their rest no charm can wile
      Jason and Orpheus and Hercules.

    And Priam’s wail is...

  •    [On hearing the bells ring on the passage of the Constitutional Amendment abolishing slavery.]

          IT is done!
      Clang of bell and roar of gun
    Send the tidings up and down.
      How the belfries rock and reel!
      How the great guns, peal on peal,
    Fling the joy from town to town!

          Ring, O bells!
      Every stroke exulting...

  • Let Liberty run onward with the years,
    And circle with the seasons; let her break
    The tyrant’s harshness, the oppressor’s spears;
    Bring ripened recompenses that shall make
    Supreme amends for sorrow’s long arrears;
    Drop holy benison on hearts that ache;
    Put clearer radiance into human eyes,
    And set the glad earth singing to the skies....

  • From “Paradise Lost,” Book VI.
                        NOW went forth the morn,
    Such as in highest heaven, arrayed in gold
    Empyreal; from before her vanished night,
    Shot through with orient beams; when all the plain
    Covered with thick embattled squadrons bright,
    Chariots, and flaming arms, and fiery steeds,
    Reflecting blaze on...

  • From “Hebrew Melodies”
    THE ASSYRIAN came down like the wolf on the fold,
    And his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold;
    And the sheen of their spears was like stars on the sea,
    When the blue wave rolls nightly on deep Galilee.

    Like the leaves of the forest when summer is green,
    That host with their banners at sunset were seen:

  • From “Tamburlaine”
      TAMBURLAINE.—But now, my boys, leave off and list to me,
    That mean to teach you rudiments of war:
    I ’ll have you learn to sleep upon the ground,
    March in your armor through watery fens,
    Sustain the scorching heat and freezing cold,
    Hunger and thirst, right adjuncts of the war,
    And after this to scale a castle wall,...