• Speed on, speed on, good Master!
      The camp lies far away;
    We must cross the haunted valley
      Before the close of day.

    How the snow-blight came upon me
      I will tell you as I go,—
    The blight of the Shadow-hunter
      Who walks the midnight snow.

    To the cold December heaven
      Came the pale moon and the stars,

  •   HAMELIN Town ’s in Brunswick,
    By famous Hanover City;
      The river Weser, deep and wide,
      Washes its wall on the southern side;
    A pleasanter spot you never spied;
    But when begins my ditty,
      Almost five hundred years ago,
      To see the townsfolk suffer so
    From vermin was a pity.

    They fought the...

  • Moonlight Song OF THE MOCKING-BIRD
    EACH golden note of music greets
    The listening leaves, divinely stirred,
    As if the vanished soul of Keats
    Had found its new birth in a bird.

    SOMETIMES, when Nature falls asleep,
      Around her woods and streams
    The mists of night serenely creep—
      For they are Nature’s dreams....

  • To the wall of the old green garden
      A butterfly quivering came;
    His wings on the sombre lichens
      Played like a yellow flame.

    He looked at the gray geraniums,
      And the sleepy four-o’-clocks,
    He looked at the low lanes bordered
      With the glossy growing box.

    He longed for the peace and the silence
      And the shadows...

  • IN 1 eddying course when leaves began to fly,
    And Autumn in her lap the store to strew,
    As mid wild scenes I chanced the Muse to woo,
    Through glens untrod, and woods that frowned on high,
    Two sleeping nymphs with wonder mute I spy!
    And, lo, she ’s gone!—In robe of dark-green hue,
    ’T was Echo from her sister Silence flew,
    For quick the...

  • Sherwood in the twilight, is Robin Hood awake?
    Gray and ghostly shadows are gliding thro’ the brake;
    Shadows of the dappled deer, dreaming of the morn,
    Dreaming of a shadowy man that winds a shadowy horn.

    Robin Hood is here again; all his merry thieves
    Hear a ghostly bugle-note shivering thro’ the leaves,
    Calling as he used to call, faint and...

  • As chimes that flow o’er shining seas
      When Morn alights on meads of May,
    Faint voices fill the western breeze
      With whisp’ring songs from Far-Away.
        Oh, dear the dells of Dunamore,
          A home is odorous Ossory;
        But sweet as honey, running o’er,
          The Golden Shore of Far-Away!

    There grows the Tree whose summer...

  • From “Night Thoughts,” Night I.
      THE BELL strikes one: we take no note of time,
    But from its loss. To give it, then, a tongue,
    Is wise in man. As if an angel spoke,
    I feel the solemn sound. If heard aright,
    It is the knell of my departed hours:
    Where are they? With the years beyond the flood.
    It is the signal that demands despatch;...

  • From “Irene”
    TO-MORROW’S action! can that hoary wisdom,
    Borne down with years, still doat upon to-morrow!
    The fatal mistress of the young, the lazy,
    The coward and the fool, condemned to lose
    An useless life in waiting for to-morrow,
    To gaze with longing eyes upon to-morrow,
    Till interposing death destroys the prospect.

  • So much to do: so little done!
    Ah! yesternight I saw the sun
    Sink beamless down the vaulted gray,—
    The ghastly ghost of YESTERDAY.

    So little done: so much to do!
    Each morning breaks on conflicts new;
    But eager, brave, I ’ll join the fray,
    And fight the battle of TO-DAY.

    So much to do: so little done!
    But when it ’s o’...