• A Fragment
    HE clasps the crag with hookèd hands;
    Close to the sun in lonely lands,
    Ringed with the azure world, he stands.

    The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
    He watches from his mountain walls,
    And like a thunderbolt he falls.

  • In the hollow tree, in the old gray tower,
      The spectral owl doth dwell;
    Dull, hated, despised, in the sunshine hour,
      But at dusk he ’s abroad and well!
    Not a bird of the forest e’er mates with him;
      All mock him outright by day;
    But at night, when the woods grow still and dim,
      The boldest will shrink away!
        O, when the...

  • I.
    the Plain was grassy, wild and bare,
    Wide, wild and open to the air,
    Which had built up everywhere
      An under-roof of doleful gray.
    With an inner voice the river ran,
    Adown it floated a dying swan,
      And loudly did lament.
    It was the middle of the day.
    Ever the weary wind went on,
      And took the reed-tops as it...

  • Good morrow to thy sable beak
    And glossy plumage dark and sleek,
    Thy crimson moon and azure eye,
    Cock of the heath, so wildly shy:
    I see thee slyly cowering through
    That wiry web of silvery dew,
    That twinkles in the morning air,
    Like casements of my lady fair.

    A maid there is in yonder tower,
    Who, peeping from her early...

  • On the cross-beam under the Old South bell
    The nest of a pigeon is builded well.
    In summer and winter that bird is there,
    Out and in with the morning air;
    I love to see him track the street,
    With his wary eye and active feet;
    And I often watch him as he springs,
    Circling the steeple with easy wings,
    Till across the dial his shade...

  • See yon robin on the spray;
      Look ye how his tiny form
    Swells, as when his merry lay
      Gushes forth amid the storm.

    Though the snow is falling fast,
      Specking o’er his coat with white,—
    Though loud roars the chilly blast,
      And the evening ’s lost in night,—

    Yet from out the darkness dreary
      Cometh still that...

  • In this May-month, by grace
      of heaven, things shoot apace.
    The waiting multitude
      of fair boughs in the wood,—
    How few days have arrayed
      their beauty in green shade!

    What have I seen or heard?
      it was the yellow bird
    Sang in the tree: he flew
      a flame against the blue;
    Upward he flashed. Again,

  • A Ball of fire shoots through the tamarack
    In scarlet splendor, on voluptuous wings;
    Delirious joy the pyrotechnist brings,
    Who marks for us high summer’s almanac.
    How instantly the red-coat hurtles back!
    No fiercer flame has flashed beneath the sky.
    Note now the rapture in his cautious eye,
    The conflagration lit along his track.

  •    [Addressed to two swallows that flew into the Chauncy Place Church during divine service.]

        GAY, guiltless pair,
    What seek ye from the fields of heaven?
        Ye have no need of prayer;
    Ye have no sins to be forgiven.

        Why perch ye here,
    Where mortals to their Maker bend?
        Can your pure spirits fear
    The God ye never...

  • And is the swallow gone?
        Who beheld it?
        Which way sailed it?
    Farewell bade it none?

    No mortal saw it go;—
        But who doth hear
        Its summer cheer
    As it flitteth to and fro?

    So the freed spirit flies!
        From its surrounding clay
        It steals away
    Like the swallow from the skies.
