• We scatter seeds with careless hand,
        And dream we ne’er shall see them more;
            But for a thousand years
            Their fruit appears,
    In weeds that mar the land,
        Or healthful store.

    The deeds we do, the words we say,—
        Into still air they seem to fleet,
            We count them ever past;
            But they...

  • A Traveller through a dusty road strewed acorns on the lea;
    And one took root and sprouted up, and grew into a tree.
    Love sought its shade, at evening time, to breath its early vows;
    And age was pleased, in heats of noon, to bask beneath its boughs;
    The dormouse loved its dangling twigs, the birds sweet music bore;
    It stood a glory in its place, a...

  • Thou for whose birth the whole creation yearned
    Through countless ages of the morning world,
    Who, first in fiery vapors dimly hurled,
    Next to the senseless crystal slowly turned,
    Then to the plant which grew to something more,—
    Humblest of creatures that draw breath of life,—
    Wherefrom through infinites of patient pain
    Came conscious man...

  • I Would I were an excellent divine,
      That had the Bible at my fingers’ ends;
    That men might hear out of this mouth of mine
      How God doth make his enemies his friends;
    Rather than with a thundering and long prayer
    Be led into presumption, or despair.

    This would I be, and would none other be,
      But a religious servant of my God;...

  • The Pastor sits in his easy-chair,
      With the Bible upon his knee.
    From gold to purple the clouds in the west
      Are changing momently;
    The shadows lie in the valleys below,
      And hide in the curtain’s fold;
    And the page grows dim whereon he reads,
      “I remember the days of old.”

    “Not clear nor dark,” as the Scripture saith,...

  • The Rabbi NATHAN, twoscore years and ten,
    Walked blameless through the evil world, and then
    Just as the almond blossomed in his hair,
    Met a temptation all too strong to bear,
    And miserably sinned. So, adding not
    Falsehood to guilt, he left his seat, and taught
    No more among the elders, but went out
    From the great congregation girt about...

  • Judge not; the workings of his brain
      And of his heart thou canst not see;
    What looks to thy dim eyes a stain,
      In God’s pure light may only be
    A scar, brought from some well-won field,
    Where thou wouldst only faint and yield.

    The look, the air, that frets thy sight
      May be a token that below
    The soul has closed in deadly...

  •  “My son, these maxims make a rule
      And lump them aye thegither:
    The Rigid Righteous is a fool,
      The Rigid Wise anither:
    The cleanest corn that e’er was dight
      May hae some pyles o’ caff in;
    Sae ne’er a fellow-creature slight
      For random fits o’ daffin.”
    —SOLOMON, Ecclesiastes vii. 16.    

    O YE wha are sae guid yoursel...

  • Yes, stone the woman, let the man go free!
    Draw back your skirts, lest they perchance may touch
    Her garment as she passes; but to him
    Put forth a willing hand to clasp with his
    That led her to destruction and disgrace.
    Shut up from her the sacred ways of toil,
    That she no more may win an honest meal;
    But ope to him all honorable paths...

  • God pity the wretched prisoners,
      In their lonely cells to-day!
    Whatever the sins that tripped them,
      God pity them! still I say.

    Only a strip of sunshine,
      Cleft by rusty bars;
    Only a patch of azure,
      Only a cluster of stars;

    Only a barren future,
      To starve their hope upon;
    Only stinging memories...