• Let not soft slumber close my eyes,
    Before I ’ve recollected thrice
    The train of action through the day!
    Where have my feet chose out their way?
    What have I learnt, where’er I ’ve been,
    From all I have heard, from all I ’ve seen?
    What know I more that ’s worth the knowing?
    What have I done that ’s worth the doing?
    What have I...

  • The Flesh
    “sweet, thou art pale.”
                            “More pale to see,
    Christ hung upon the cruel tree
    And bore his Father’s wrath for me.”

    “Sweet, thou art sad.”
                        “Beneath a rod
    More heavy Christ for my sake trod
    The wine-press of the wrath of God.”

    “Sweet, thou art weary.”...

  • Said I not so,—that I would sin no more?
        Witness, my God, I did;
    Yet I am run again upon the score:
        My faults cannot be hid.

    What shall I do?—make vows and break them still?
        ’T will be but labor lost;
    My good cannot prevail against mine ill:
        The business will be crost.

    O, say not so; thou canst not tell what...

  • Nothing but leaves; the spirit grieves
      Over a wasted life;
    Sin committed while conscience slept,
    Promises made, but never kept,
      Hatred, battle, and strife;
        Nothing but leaves!

    Nothing but leaves; no garnered sheaves
      Of life’s fair, ripened grain;
    Words, idle words, for earnest deeds;
    We sow our seeds,—lo! tares...

  •    “And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.”—JOHN xvi. 8.

    THE WORLD is wise, for the world is old;
    Five thousand years their tale have told;
    Yet the world is not happy, as the world might be,—
    Why is it? why is it? Oh, answer me!

    The world is kind if we ask not too much;
    It is sweet to the...

  • “there is no God,” the foolish saith,
      But none, “There is no sorrow”;
    And nature oft the cry of faith
      In bitter need will borrow:
    Eyes which the preacher could not school,
      By wayside graves are raised;
    And lips say, “God be pitiful,”
      Who ne’er said, “God be praised.”
                            Be pitiful, O God!


  • A Folk-Song
       “Behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.”—LUKE xxii. 31.

    IN Saint Luke’s Gospel we are told
    How Peter in the days of old
              Was sifted;
    And now, though ages intervene,
    Sin is the same, while time and scene
              Are shifted.

    Satan desires us, great and small,

  • The Sun comes up and the sun goes down,
    And day and night are the same as one;
    The year grows green, and the year grows brown,
    And what is it all, when all is done?
    Grains of sombre or shining sand,
    Gliding into and out of the hand.

    And men go down in ships to the seas,
    And a hundred ships are the same as one;
    And backward and...

  • Some murmur when their sky is clear
      And wholly bright to view,
    If one small speck of dark appear
      In their great heaven of blue;
    And some with thankful love are filled
      If but one streak of light,
    One ray of God’s good mercy, gild
      The darkness of their night.

    In palaces are hearts that ask,
      In discontent and...

  • From the German by W. Taylor
    RECOVERY,—daughter of Creation too,
    Though not for immortality designed,—
              The Lord of life and death
              Sent thee from heaven to me!
    Had I not heard thy gentle tread approach,
    Not heard the whisper of thy welcome voice,
              Death had with iron foot
              My chilly forehead...