• [Florence Nightingale]
    WHENE’ER a noble deed is wrought,
    Whene’er is spoken a noble thought,
        Our hearts, in glad surprise,
        To higher levels rise.

    The tidal wave of deeper souls
    Into our inmost being rolls,
        And lifts us unawares
        Out of all meaner cares.

    Honor to those whose words or deeds

  • A Little stream had lost its way
      Amid the grass and fern;
    A passing stranger scooped a well,
      Where weary men might turn;
    He walled it in and hung with care
      A ladle at the brink;
    He thought not of the deed he did,
      But judged that all might drink.
    He passed again, and lo! the well,
      By summer never dried,

  • Am I the slave they say,
          Soggarth aroon? 1
    Since you did show the way,
          Soggarth aroon,
    Their slave no more to be,
    While they would work with me
    Old Ireland’s slavery,
          Soggarth aroon.

    Why not her poorest man,
          Soggarth aroon,
    Try and do all he can,
          Soggarth aroon,

  • Prelude to Part FirstOVER his keys the musing organist,
      Beginning doubtfully and far away,
    First lets his fingers wander as they list,
      And builds a bridge from Dreamland for his lay;
    Then, as the touch of his loved instrument
      Gives hope and fervor, nearer draws his theme,
    First guessed by faint auroral flushes sent
      Along the...

  • She once was a lady of honor and wealth;
    Bright glowed in her features the roses of health;
    Her vesture was blended of silk and of gold,
    And her motion shook perfume from every fold:
    Joy revelled around her, love shone at her side,
    And gay was her smile as the glance of a bride;
    And light was her step in the mirth-sounding hall,
    When she...

  • I Live for those who love me,
      Whose hearts are kind and true,
    For heaven that smiles above me,
      And waits my spirit, too;
    For all the ties that bind me,
    For all the tasks assigned me,
    And bright hopes left behind me,
      And good that I can do.

    I live to learn their story
      Who’ve suffered for my sake,

  • We should fill the hours with the sweetest things,
            If we had but a day;
    We should drink alone at the purest springs
            In our upward way;
    We should love with a lifetime’s love in an hour,
            If the hours were few;
    We should rest, not for dreams, but for fresher power
            To be and to do.

    We should guide our...

  • Abou Ben ADHEM (may his tribe increase!)
    Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace,
    And saw within the moonlight in his room,
    Making it rich and like a lily in bloom,
    An angel writing in a book of gold:
    Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold,
    And to the presence in the room he said,
    “What writest thou?” The vision raised its head,...

  • If suddenly upon the street
    My gracious Saviour I should meet,
    And he should say, “As I love thee,
    What love hast thou to offer me?”
    Then what could this poor heart of mine
    Dare offer to that heart divine?

    His eye would pierce my outward show,
    His thought my inmost thought would know;
    And if I said, “I love thee, Lord,”

  • From the near city comes the clang of bells:
    Their hundred jarring diverse tones combine
    In one faint misty harmony, as fine
    As the soft note yon winter robin swells.
    What if to Thee in thine infinity
    These multiform and many-colored creeds
    Seem but the robe man wraps as masquers’ weeds
    Round the one living truth them givest him—Thee?...