• From the Latin by John Mason Neale
    DARKNESS is thinning; shadows are retreating;
    Morning and light are coming in their beauty;
    Suppliant seek we, with an earnest outcry,
                      God the Almighty!

    So that our Master, having mercy on us,
    May repel languor, may bestow salvation,
    Granting us, Father, of thy loving-kindness...

  • To write a verse or two is all the praise
                That I can raise;
          Mend my estate in any wayes,
                Thou shalt have more.

    I go to church; help me to wings, and I
                Will thither flie;
          Or, if I mount unto the skie,
                I will do more.

    Man is all weaknesse: there is no such thing...

  • Anonymous translation
    O GOD! though sorrow be my fate,
    And the world’s hate
        For my heart’s faith pursue me,
    My peace they cannot take away;
    From day to day
        Thou dost anew imbue me;
    Thou art not far; a little while
    Thou hid’st thy face, with brighter smile
        Thy father-love to show me.

    Lord, not my will,...

  • Thou, who dost dwell alone;
    Thou, who dost know thine own;
    Thou, to whom all are known,
    From the cradle to the grave,—
        Save, O, save!

    From the world’s temptations;
    From tribulations;
    From that fierce anguish
    Wherein we languish;
    From that torpor deep
    Wherein we lie asleep,
    Heavy as death, cold as the...

  • Why thus longing, thus forever sighing
      For the far off, unattained, and dim,
    While the beautiful, all round thee lying,
      Offers up its low perpetual hymn?

    Wouldst thou listen to its gentle teaching,
      All thy restless yearnings it would still;
    Leaf and flower and laden bee are preaching
      Thine own sphere, though humble, first to...

  • O God, I cannot walk the Way,—
    The thorns, the thirst, the darkness,
    And bleeding feet and aching heart!
    I hear the songs and revels of the throng,—
    They sneer upon my downcast face with scorn,—
    Yet, O my God, I must and shall walk with Thee!

    O God, I cannot take the Truth!
    Far easier honeyed hopes and falsehoods fair,
    But Truth...

  • O Thou who lovest not alone
    The swift success, the instant goal,
    But hast a lenient eye to mark
    The failures of th’ inconstant soul,

    Consider not my little worth,—
    The mean achievement, scamped in act,
    The high resolve and low result,
    The dream that durst not face the fact.

    But count the reach of my desire.
    Let this be...

  • From the German by John Wesley
    THOU hidden love of God, whose height,
      Whose depth unfathomed no man knows,
    I see from far thy beauteous light,
      Inly I sigh for thy repose.
    My heart is pained, nor can it be
    At rest till it finds rest in thee.

    Thy secret voice invites me still
      The sweetness of thy yoke to prove,

  • Away, haunt thou not me,
    Thou vain Philosophy!
    Little hast thou bestead,
    Save to perplex the head,
    And leave the spirit dead.
    Unto thy broken cisterns wherefore go,
    While from the secret treasure-depths below,
    Fed by the skyey shower,
    And clouds that sink and rest on hill-tops high,
    Wisdom at once, and Power,

  • From the recesses of a lowly spirit,
    Our humble prayer ascends; O Father! hear it.
    Upsoaring on the wings of awe and meekness,
              Forgive its weakness!

    We see thy hand,—it leads us, it supports us;
    We hear thy voice,—it counsels and it courts us;
    And then we turn away; and still thy kindness
              Forgives our blindness....