• And are ye sure the news is true?
      And are ye sure he ’s weel?
    Is this a time to think of wark?
      Ye jauds, fling by your wheel.
    Is this a time to think of wark,
      When Colin ’s at the door?
    Gie me my cloak! I ’ll to the quay
      And see him come ashore.

    For there ’s nae luck about the house,
      There ’s nae luck ava;...

  • The World goes up and the world goes down,
      And the sunshine follows the rain;
    And yesterday’s sneer, and yesterday’s frown,
      Can never come over again,
                Sweet wife,
      No, never come over again.

    For woman is warm, though man be cold,
      And the night will hallow the day;
    Till the heart which at even was weary and old...

  • O, Lay thy hand in mine, dear!
      We ’re growing old;
    But Time hath brought no sign, dear,
      That hearts grow cold.
    ’T is long, long since our new love
      Made life divine;
    But age enricheth true love,
      Like noble wine.

    And lay thy cheek to mine, dear,
      And take thy rest;
    Mine arms around thee twine, dear,...

  • O, Don’t be sorrowful, darling!
      Now, don’t be sorrowful, pray;
    For, taking the year together, my dear,
      There isn’t more night than day.
    It ’s rainy weather, my loved one;
      Time’s wheels they heavily run;
    But taking the year together, my dear,
      There isn’t more cloud than sun.

    We ’re old folks now, companion,—

  • Darby, dear, we are old and gray,
    Fifty years since our wedding day,
    Shadow and sun for every one
    As the years roll on;
    Darby, dear, when the world went wry,
    Hard and sorrowful then was I—
    Ah! lad, how you cheered me then,
    Things will be better, sweet wife again!
    Always the same, Darby, my own,
    Always the same to your old...

  • O Love, whose patient pilgrim feet
      Life’s longest path have trod,
    Whose ministry hath symbolled sweet
      The dearer love of God,—
    The sacred myrtle wreathes again
      Thine altar, as of old;
    And what was green with summer then,
      Is mellowed, now, to gold.

    Not now, as then, the Future’s face
      Is flushed with fancy’s...

  • From the “Examen Miscellaneum,” 1708

    THE FIRE of love in youthful blood,
    Like what is kindled in brushwood,
          But for a moment burns;
    Yet in that moment makes a mighty noise;
    It crackles, and to vapor turns,
          And soon itself destroys.

    But when crept into agèd veins
    It slowly burns, and then long remains,

  • Not ours the vows of such as plight
      Their troth in sunny weather,
    While leaves are green and skies are bright,
      To walk on flowers together.

    But we have loved as those who tread
      The thorny path of sorrow,
    With clouds above, and cause to dread
      Yet deeper gloom to-morrow.

    That thorny path, those stormy skies,

  • “with sacrifice, before the rising morn,
      Vows have I made by fruitless hope inspired;
    And from th’ infernal gods, ’mid shades forlorn
      Of night, my slaughtered lord have I required;
    Celestial pity I again implore;
    Restore him to my sight—great Jove, restore!”

    So speaking, and by fervent love endowed
      With faith, the suppliant...

  •       “TILL death us part,”
          Thus speaks the heart
    When each to each repeats the words of doom;
          For better and for worse,
          Through blessing and through curse,
    We shall be one, till life’s last hour shall come.

          Life with its myriad grasp
          Our yearning souls shall clasp
    By ceaseless love and still...