• Or, All for Good Luck
    YOUNG Rory O’More courted Kathleen bawn,—
    He was bold as a hawk, she as soft as the dawn;
    He wished in his heart pretty Kathleen to please,
    And he thought the best way to do that was to tease.
    “Now, Rory, be aisy!” sweet Kathleen would cry,
    Reproof on her lip, but a smile in her eye,—
    “With your tricks, I don’t know,...

  • From Tom to Ned
    DEAR Ned, no doubt you ’ll be surprised
      When you receive and read this letter.
    I ’ve railed against the marriage state;
      But then, you see, I knew no better.
    I ’ve met a lovely girl out here;
      Her manner is—well—very winning:
    We ’re soon to be—well, Ned, my dear,
      I ’ll tell you all, from the beginning.

  •   CA’ the yowes to the knowes, 1
      Ca’ them whare the heather grows,
      Ca’ them whare the burnie rows 2
          My bonnie dearie.

    As I gaed down the water side,
    There I met my shepherd lad,
    He rowed me sweetly in his plaid,
      And he ca’d me his dearie.

    Will ye gang down the water side,
    And see the waves sae sweetly glide...

  • “and ye sail walk in silk attire,
      And siller hae to spare,
    Gin ye ’ll consent to be his bride,
      Nor think o’ Donald mair.”

    O, wha wad buy a silken goun
      Wi’ a puir broken heart?
    Or what ’s to me a siller croun
      Gin frae my love I part?

    The mind whose meanest wish is pure
      Far dearest is to me,
    And ere I ’...

  • Duncan Gray cam’ here to woo—
              Ha, ha! the wooing o’t!
    On blythe Yule night when we were fou—
              Ha, ha! the wooing o’t!
    Maggie coose her head fu’ high,
    Looke asklent and unco skeigh,
    Gart poor Duncan stand abeigh—
              Ha, ha! the wooing o’t!

    Duncan fleeched and Duncan prayed—
              Ha, ha! the...

  • “oh, ’t is time I should talk to your mother,
            Sweet Mary,” says I.
    “Oh, don’t talk to my mother,” says Mary,
            Beginning to cry:
    “For my mother says men are deceivers,
        And never, I know, will consent;
    She says girls in a hurry who marry
            At leisure repent.”

    “Then suppose I would talk to your father,...

  •   ’VOURNEEN, when your days were bright,
    Never an eye did I dare to lift to you,
    But now, in your fortune’s blight,
    False ones are flying in sunshine that knew you;
      But still on one welcome true rely,
      Tho’ the crops may fail, and the cow go dry,
    And your cabin be burned, and all be spent,
    Come, live in my heart and pay no rent;...

  • Widow Machree, it ’s no wonder you frown,—
              Och hone! Widow Machree;
    Faith, it ruins your looks, that same dirty black gown,—
              Och hone! Widow Machree;
            How altered your air,
            With that close cap you wear,—
            ’T is destroying your hair,
            That should be flowing free:
            Be no longer...

  • Did you hear of the Widow Malone,
    Who lived in the town of Athlone,
      O, she melted the hearts
      Of the swains in them parts:
    So lovely the Widow Malone.
    So lovely the Widow Malone.

    Of lovers she had a full score,
                    Or more,...

  • Oh, I ’m not myself at all,
        Molly dear, Molly dear!
    I ’m not myself at all.
      Nothing caring, nothing knowing,
      ’T is after you I ’m going,
      Faith, your shadow ’t is I ’m growing,
        Molly dear, Molly dear!
    And I ’m not myself at all.
      Th’ other day I went confessin’,
      And I asked the father’s blessin’,