• To R. H.
    NOW the joys of the road are chiefly these:

    A crimson touch on the hard-wood trees;
    A vagrant’s morning wide and blue,
    In early fall, when the wind walks, too;
    A shadowy highway cool and brown,
    Alluring up and enticing down
    From rippled water to dappled swamp,
    The outward eye, the quiet will,
    From purple glory to...

  • Beneath the shadow of dawn’s aerial cope,
    With eyes enkindled as the sun’s own sphere,
    Hope from the front of youth in godlike cheer
    Looks Godward, past the shades where blind men grope
    Round the dark door that prayers nor dreams can ope,
    And makes for joy the very darkness dear
    That gives her wide wings play; nor dreams that fear
    At noon...

  • The Rich man’s son inherits lands,
      And piles of brick, and stone, and gold,
    And he inherits soft, white hands,
      And tender flesh that fears the cold,
      Nor dares to wear a garment old;
    A heritage, it seems to me,
    One scarce would wish to hold in fee.

    The rich man’s son inherits cares;
      The bank may break, the factory burn,...

  • Where art thou gone, light-ankled Youth?
      With wing at either shoulder,
    And smile that never left thy mouth
      Until the Hours grew colder:

    Then some one seemed to whisper near
      That thou and I must part;
    I doubted it; I felt no fear,
      No weight upon the heart.

    If aught befell it, Love was by
      And rolled it off...

  • Often I think of the beautiful town
      That is seated by the sea;
    Often in thought go up and down
    The pleasant streets of that dear old town,
      And my youth comes back to me.
        And a verse of a Lapland song
        Is haunting my memory still:
        “A boy’s will is the wind’s will,
    And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts.”...

  • From “Youth and Age”
    VERSE, a breeze ’mid blossoms straying,
    Where Hope clung feeding, like a bee—
    Both were mine! Life went a-maying
          With Nature, Hope, and Poesy,
                When I was young!
    When I was young?—Ah, woful when!
    Ah! for the change ’twixt Now and Then!
    This breathing house not built with hands,

  • There are gains for all our losses,
      There are balms for all our pain,
    But when youth, the dream, departs,
    It takes something from our hearts,
      And it never comes again.

    We are stronger, and are better,
      Under manhood’s sterner reign;
    Still we feel that something sweet
    Followed youth, with flying feet,
      And will...

  • Happy the man, whose wish and care
    A few paternal acres bound,
    Content to breathe his native air
                In his own ground.

    Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread,
    Whose flocks supply him with attire;
    Whose trees in summer yield him shade,
                In winter, fire.

    Blest, who can unconcernedly find

  • From the Greek by Robert Bland
    CLING to thy home! if there the meanest shed
    Yield thee a hearth and shelter for thy head,
    And some poor plot, with vegetables stored,
    Be all that Heaven allots thee for thy board,—
    Unsavory bread, and herbs that scattered grow
    Wild on the river brink or mountain brow,
    Yet e’en this cheerless mansion shall...

  • The Day is done, and the darkness
      Falls from the wings of Night,
    As a feather is wafted downward
      From an eagle in his flight.

    I see the lights of the village
      Gleam through the rain and the mist,
    And a feeling of sadness comes o’er me
      That my soul cannot resist;

    A feeling of sadness and longing
      That is not...