• How dear to this heart are the scenes of my childhood,
      When fond recollection presents them to view!
    The orchard, the meadow, the deep-tangled wildwood,
      And every loved spot which my infancy knew;
    The wide-spreading pond and the mill which stood by it,
      The bridge, and the rock where the cataract fell;
    The cot of my father, the dairy-house...

  • I Love it, I love it! and who shall dare
    To chide me for loving that old arm-chair?
    I ’ve treasured it long as a sainted prize,
    I ’ve bedewed it with tears, I ’ve embalmed it with sighs.
    ’T is bound by a thousand bands to my heart;
    Not a tie will break, not a link will start;
    Would you know the spell?—a mother sat there!
    And a sacred...

  • Woodman, spare that tree!
      Touch not a single bough!
    In youth it sheltered me,
      And I ’ll protect it now.
    ’T was my forefather’s hand
      That placed it near his cot;
    There, woodman, let it stand,
      Thy axe shall harm it not!

    That old familiar tree,
      Whose glory and renown
    Are spread o’er land and sea,...

  • Between the sandhills and the sea
      A narrow strip of silver sand,
      Whereon a little maid doth stand,
    Who picks up shells continually,
    Between the sandhills and the sea.

    Far as her wondering eyes can reach,
      A vastness heaving gray in gray
      To the frayed edges of the day
    Furls his red standard on the breach

  • Piping down the valleys wild,
    Piping songs of pleasant glee,
    On a cloud I saw a child,
    And he laughing said to me:—

    “Pipe a song about a lamb:”
    So I piped with merry cheer.
    “Piper, pipe that song again:”
    So I piped; he wept to hear.

    “Drop thy pipe, thy happy pipe,
    Sing thy songs of happy cheer:”
    So I sung the...

  • I Have got a new-born sister;
    I was nigh the first that kissed her.
    When the nursing-woman brought her
    To papa, his infant daughter,
    How papa’s dear eyes did glisten!—
    She will shortly be to christen;
    And papa has made the offer,
    I shall have the naming of her.

    Now I wonder what would please her,—
    Charlotte, Julia, or...

  • From “Sea Dreams”
    WHAT does little birdie say
    In her nest at peep of day?
    Let me fly, says little birdie,
    Mother, let me fly away.
    Birdie, rest a little longer,
    Till the little wings are stronger.
    So she rests a little longer,
    Then she flies away.

    What does little baby say,
    In her bed at peep of day?

  • Abbreviated from the Original
    HUSH! my dear, lie still, and slumber,
      Holy angels guard thy bed!
    Heavenly blessings without number
      Gently falling on thy head.

    Sleep, my babe; thy food and raiment,
      House and home, thy friends provide;
    All without thy care or payment,
      All thy wants are well supplied.

    How much...

  • Whipp’will ’s singin’ to de moon,—
            Go sleep, ma honey, m—m.
    He sing a pow’ful mo’nful tune,
            Go sleep, ma honey, m—m.
    De day bird ’s sleepin’ on his nes’,
    He know it time to take a res’,
    An’ he gwine ter do his lebel bes’,—
            Go sleep, ma honey, m—m.

    Old banjo ’s laid away,—
            Go sleep, ma...

  • No baby in the house, I know,
      ’T is far too nice and clean.
    No toys, by careless fingers strewn,
      Upon the floors are seen.
    No finger-marks are on the panes,
      No scratches on the chairs;
    No wooden men set up in rows,
      Or marshalled off in pairs;
    No little stockings to be darned,
      All ragged at the toes;