• 1
    a Valentine
    the WISE forget, dear heart;
      They leave the past
    And play the hero’s part,
      Brave to the last.

    They weep not nor regret,
      Calm are their eyes.
    Dear heart, the wise forget.—
      I am not wise!

    I SAW Love stand,
      Not as he was ere we in conflict met,

  • A Song lay silent in my pen
      Where yesterday I found it,
    Right cozy in its gloomy den,
      With a melody wrapped round it.
    Through all the years ’t was waiting so,
      To hear the summons of that minute;
    I thought I loved the pen; but no!
      It was the song within it!

    To-day my lady sang to me
      My song in sweetest fashion:...

  • A Nymph there was in Arcadie
      Who owned a crystal spring;
    And there she ’d wash, sans mackintosh,
      B’gosh, or anything.

    A youth there was in Arcadie
      Who hunted o’er the brooks;
    He would not tote an overcoat,
      But travelled on his looks.

    Though ancient Greece had no police,
      The gods did as they ’d oughter;...

  • “scorn not the sonnet,” though its strength be sapped,
      Nor say malignant its inventor blundered;
    The corpse that here in fourteen lines is wrapped
      Had otherwise been covered with a hundred.

  • So happy were Columbia’s eight,
      As near the goal they drew,
    Each struggling hero all elate,
      The cock-swain almost crew.

  • A Dresden shepherdess was one day
    Milking a small Delft cow,
    When a Sevres Marquis came along—
    I saw him smile and bow:
    “O lovely shepherdess, hear my song,”
    I think I heard him say,
    “For thou hast captured my porcelain heart,
    And by my sword I swear thou art
    A star in the Milky Way.”

  • 21 B. C.
    OLD Horace on a summer afternoon,
      Well primed with sweet Falernian, let us say,
    Lulled by the far-off brooklet ’s drowsy croon
      To a half-doze in a haphazard way,
    Scratched off a half a dozen careless rhymes,
      As was his habit. When next day he came
    Awake to work, he read them several times,
      In vain attempt to catch...

  • In good condition,
    Cheap, on account of competition,
    Well-broken, easy on his bridle,
    With curb or snaffle never idle.
    A very little child can ride him,
    And carry three or four beside him.
    Why plod when you can ride so cheaply?
    There is no need to ponder deeply.
    I ’ll warrant he ’ll not bite nor kick you;
    I ’ve not the...

  • Boy, I detest these modern innovations,
      The Voice crusade may alter some men’s habit,
    But, as for me, I ’ll stick to my old rations,
            Ale and a rarebit.

    In vino vis. The pious dames of Ipswich,
      Knowing its worth and fearing lest men waste it,
    Condemn its use in christening battle-ships which
            Can’t even taste it.

  • In days when George the Third was King
      And ruled the Old Dominion,
    And Law and Fashion owned the sway
      Of Parliament’s opinion,
    A good ship brought across the sea
      A treasure fair and fine,—
    Miss Nancy’s gown from London town,
      The latest Court design!

    The plaited waist from neck to belt
      Scarce measured half a...