• Though tuneless, stringless, it lies there in dust,
      Like some great thought on a forgotten page;
    The soul of music cannot fade or rust,—
      The voice within it stronger grows with age;
    Its strings and bow are only trifling things—
    A master-touch!—its sweet soul wakes and sings.

  • When april rains make flowers bloom
      And Johnny-jump-ups come to light,
    And clouds of color and perfume
      Float from the orchards pink and white,
    I see my shamrock in the rain,
      An emerald spray with raindrops set,
    Like jewels on Spring’s coronet,
      So fair, and yet it breathes of pain.

    The shamrock on an older shore...

  • Saturnian mother! why dost thou devour
    Thy offspring, who by loving thee are curst?
    Why must they fear thee who would fain be first
    To add new glories to thy matchless dower?
    Why must they flee before thy cruel power,
    That punishes their best as treason’s worst,—
    The treason that despotic chains would burst,—
    That makes men heroes who in...

  • Unflinching dante of a later day,
    Thou who hast wandered through the realms of pain
    And seen with aching breast and whirling brain
    Woes which thou wert unable to allay,
    What frightful visions hast thou brought away:
    Of torments, passions, agonies, struggles vain
    To break the prison walls, to rend the chain,—
    Of hopeless hearts too...

  • O’er the yellow crocus on the lawn
      Floats a light white butterfly.
    Breezes waft it! See, ’t is gone!
      Duska, little soul, when didst thou die?

  • I
    when tulips bloom in Union Square,
    And timid breaths of vernal air
      Go wandering down the dusty town,
    Like children lost in Vanity Fair;

    When every long, unlovely row
    Of westward houses stands aglow,
      And leads the eyes towards sunset skies
    Beyond the hills where green trees grow,—

    Then weary seems the street parade...

  • The moonbeams over Arno’s vale in silver flood were pouring,
    When first I heard the nightingale a long-lost love deploring.
    So passionate, so full of pain, it sounded strange and eerie;
    I longed to hear a simpler strain,—the wood-notes of the veery.

    The laverock sings a bonny lay above the Scottish heather;
    It sprinkles down from far away like light...

  • Fair roslin Chapel, how divine
    The art that reared thy costly shrine!
    Thy carven columns must have grown
    By magic, like a dream in stone.

    Yet not within thy storied wall
    Would I in adoration fall,
    So gladly as within the glen
    That leads to lovely Hawthornden:

    A long-drawn aisle, with roof of green
    And vine-clad pillars...

  • Deep in the heart of the forest the lily of Yorrow is growing;
    Blue is its cup as the sky, and with mystical odor o’erflowing;
    Faintly it falls through the shadowy glades when the south wind is blowing;

    Sweet are the primroses pale, and the violets after a shower;
    Sweet are the borders of pinks, and the blossoming grapes on the bower:
    Sweeter by far is...

  • From the misty shores of midnight, touched with splendors of the moon,
    To the singing tides of heaven, and the light more clear than noon,
    Passed a soul that grew to music till it was with God in tune.

    Brother of the greatest poets, true to nature, true to art;
    Lover of Immortal Love, uplifter of the human heart,—
    Who shall cheer us with high music,...