• I never build a song by night or day,
      Of breaking ocean or of blowing whin,
    But in some wondrous unexpected way,
      Like light upon a road, my Love comes in.

    And when I go at night upon the hill,
      My heart is lifted on mysterious wings:
    My Love is there to strengthen and to still,
      For she can take away the dread of things.

  • She comes like the hush and beauty of the night,
      And sees too deep for laughter;
    Her touch is a vibration and a light
      From worlds before and after.

  • I looked one night, and there Semiramis,
    With all her mourning doves about her head,
    Sat rocking on an ancient road of Hell,
    Withered and eyeless, chanting to the moon
    Snatches of song they sang to her of old
    Upon the lighted roofs of Nineveh.
    And then her voice rang out with rattling laugh:
    “The bugles! they are crying back again—...

  • The spirit OF EARTH with still, restoring hands,
    Mid ruin moves, in glimmering chasm gropes,
    And mosses mantle and the bright flower opes;
    But Death the Ploughman wanders in all lands,
    And to the last of Earth his furrow stands.
    The grave is never hidden: fearful hopes
    Follow the dead upon the fading slopes,
    And there wild memories meet...

  • The muses wrapped in mysteries of light
    Came in a rush of music on the night;
    And I was lifted wildly on quick wings,
    And borne away into the deep of things.
    The dead doors of my being broke apart;
    A wind of rapture blew across the heart;
    The inward song of worlds rang still and clear;
    I felt the Mystery the Muses fear;
    Yet they...

  • I hear you, little bird,
    Shouting a-swing above the broken wall.
    Shout louder yet: no song can tell it all.
    Sing to my soul in the deep, still wood:
    ’T is wonderful beyond the wildest word:
    I ’d tell it, too, if I could.

    Oft when the white still dawn
    Lifted the skies and pushed the hills apart,
    I ’ve felt it like a glory in my...

  • Thou art as a lone watcher on a rock,
    With Saxon hair back floating in the wind,
    Gazing where stranger ships, to doom consigned,
    Upon the sullen ledges grind and knock.
    Fair were the barks round which the breakers flock,
    Rich freights had they of treasure for mankind,
    And gallant were the hearts that left behind
    The sea’s broad buffet for...

  • Thou, who didst lay all other bosoms bare,
    Impenetrable shade didst round thee throw;
    And of the ready tears thou makest flow,
    Monarch of tears, thou hast not any share.
    Sad Petrarch, sadder Byron their despair
    Unlocked, their dismal theatres of woe
    Unclosed: thou showest Hamlet, Romeo,
    And maddened Lear, with tempest on his hair....

  • The old wine filled him, and he saw, with eyes
    Anoint of Nature, fauns and dryads fair
    Unseen by others; to him maidenhair
    And waxen lilacs, and those birds that rise
    A-sudden from tall reeds at slight surprise.
    Brought charmëd thoughts; and in earth everywhere
    He, like sad Jaques, found a music rare
    As that of Syrinx to old Grecians wise...

  • As flame streams upward, so my longing thought
            Flies up with Thee,
    Thou God and Saviour, who hast truly wrought
    Life out of death, and to us, loving, brought
    A fresh, new world; and in Thy sweet chains caught,
            And made us free!

    As hyacinths make way from out the dark,
            My soul awakes,
    At thought of Thee,...