• Do you remember, my sweet, absent son,
    How in the soft June days forever done
    You loved the heavens so warm and clear and high;
    And, when I lifted you, soft came your cry,—
    “Put me ’way up,—’way, ’way up in blue sky”?
    I laughed and said I could not,—set you down,
    Your gray eyes wonder-filled beneath that crown
    Of bright hair gladdening me...

  • I
    the sun had set;
    The leaves with dew were wet:
    Down fell a bloody dusk
    On the woods, that second of May,
    Where Stonewall’s corps, like a beast of prey,
    Tore through, with angry tusk.

    “They’ve trapped us, boys!”
    Rose from our flank a voice.
    With a rush of steel and smoke
    On came the rebels straight,

  • Despair
    dear, when you see my grave,
    Oh, shall you weep?
    Ah, no! That were to have
    Mistaken care;
    But when you see my grave,
    I pray you keep
    Sunshine of heart that time doth lay me there,
    Where veiling mists of dream guard endless sleep.
    Though the young life we mourn
    That, blooming, dies,—
    Ere grief hath...

  • Dear little Dorothy, she is no more!
    I have wandered world-wide from shore to shore,
    I have seen as great beauties as ever were wed;
    But none can console me for Dorothy dead.

    Dear little Dorothy! How strange it seems
    That her face is less real than the faces of dreams;
    That the love which kept true, and the lips which so spoke,
    Are more...

  • Sorrow, my friend,
    When shall you come again?
    The wind is slow, and the bent willows send
    Their silvery motions wearily down the plain.
    The bird is dead
    That sang this morning through the summer rain!

    Sorrow, my friend,
    I owe my soul to you.
    And if my life with any glory end
    Of tenderness for others, and the words are...

  • Eileen of four,
    Eileen of smiles;
    Eileen of five,
    Eileen of tears;
    Eileen of ten, of fifteen years,
    Eileen of youth
    And woman’s wiles;
    Eileen of twenty,
    In love’s land,
    Eileen all tender
    In her bliss,
    Untouched by sorrow’s treacherous kiss,
    And the sly weapon in life’s hand,—
    Eileen aroused...

  •     if, when I kneel to pray,
        With eager lips I say:
    “Lord, give me all the things that I desire,—
    Health, wealth, fame, friends, brave heart, religious fire,
    The power to sway my fellow-men at will,
    And strength for mighty works to banish ill,”—
        In such a prayer as this
        The blessing I must miss.

        Or if I only...

  • When i forth fare beyond this narrow earth,
    With all its metes and bounds of now and here,
    And brooding clouds of ignorance and fear
    That overhung me on my day of birth,
    Wherethrough the jocund sun’s perennial mirth
    Has shone more inly bright each coming year
    With some new glory of that outer sphere
    Where length and breadth and height are...

  • I wonder, dear, if you had been
      The maiden queen’s pet maid of honor,
    A flower of that fair time wherein
      A court of roses smiled upon her,

    And I, erewhile, by Trojan wall
      Had fiercely fought for Grecian glory,
    Beheld the pride of Priam fall,
      And home in Athens told the story,

    Whether we, wandering in the glow...

  • Bowed by the weight of centuries he leans
    Upon his hoe and gazes on the ground,
    The emptiness of ages in his face,
    And on his back the burden of the world.
    Who made him dead to rapture and despair,
    A thing that grieves not and that never hopes,
    Stolid and stunned, a brother to the ox?
    Who loosened and let down this brutal jaw?