O, my friend,
What fitting word can I say?
You, my chum,
My companion of infinite talks,
My inspiration,
My guide,
Through whom I saw myself at best;
You, the light of this western country.
You, a great richness.
A glory,
A charm,

When psyche’s friend becomes her lover,
  How sweetly these conditions blend!
But, oh, what anguish to discover
  Her lover has become—her friend!

From “In Memoriam”
THE PATH by which we twain did go,
  Which led by tracts that pleased us well,
  Through four sweet years arose and fell,
From flower to flower, from snow to snow.*        *        *        *        *
But where the path we...

When Psyche’s friend becomes her lover,
  How sweetly these conditions blend!
But, oh, what anguish to discover
  Her lover has become—her friend!

From the Greek by W. Cory
THEY told me, Heracleitus, they told me you were dead;
They brought me bitter news to hear and bitter tears to shed.
I wept as I remembered, how often you and I
Had tired the sun with talking and sent him down the sky.

And now...

Poet: Callimachus

Extracts from “Friendship”
WHAT virtue, or what mental grace,
But men unqualified and base
  Will boast it their possession?
Profusion apes the noble part
Of liberality of heart,
  And dulness, of discretion.

If every polished gem we find...

From “On Friendship”
OF all the heavenly gifts that mortal men commend,
What trusty treasure in the world can countervail a friend?
Our health is soon decayed; goods, casual, light and vain;
Broke have we seen the force of power, and honor suffer stain.

[Lord Bolingbroke]
From “An Essay on Man,” Epistle IV.
  COME then, my friend! my genius! come along;
O master of the poet, and the song!
And while the muse now stoops, or now ascends,
To man’s low passions, or their glorious ends,
Teach me, like...

Friend of Humanity
NEEDY 1 knife-grinder! whither are you going?
Rough is the road; your wheel is out of order.
Bleak blows the blast;—your hat has got a hole in ’t;
          So have your breeches!

Weary knife-grinder! little think the proud ones,...


Here lies John Trot the Friend of all mankind

He has not left one Enemy behind

Friends were quite hard to find old authors say

But now they stand in every bodies way
