Shall mine eyes behold thy glory, O my country? Shall mine eyes behold thy glory?
Or shall the darkness close around them, ere the sun-blaze breaks at last upon thy story?
When the nations ope for thee their queenly circle, as a sweet new sister hail thee,
Shall these...

It was the wild midnight,—
  A storm was on the sky;
The lightning gave its light,
  And the thunder echoed by.

The torrent swept the glen,
  The ocean lashed the shore;
Then rose the Spartan men,
  To make their bed in gore!


Poet: George Croly

From the German by Rossiter W. Raymond

THE WEARY night is o’er at last!
We ride so still, we ride so fast!
  We ride where Death is lying.
The morning wind doth coldly pass,
Landlord! we ’ll take another glass,
      Ere dying.


The General dashed along the road
  Amid the pelting rain;
How joyously his bold face glowed
  To hear our cheers’ refrain!

His blue blouse flapped in wind and wet,
  His boots were splashed with mire,
But round his lips a smile was set,...