Sleep, love, sleep!
The dusty day is done.
Lo! from afar the freshening breezes sweep
Wide over groves of balm,
Down from the towering palm,
In at the open casement cooling run,
And round thy lowly bed,
Thy bed of pain,
Bathing thy...

She always stood upon the steps
  Just by the cottage door,
Waiting to kiss me when I came
  Each night home from the store.
Her eyes were like two glorious stars,
  Dancing in heaven’s own blue—
“Papa,” she ’d call like a wee bird,
  “I ’s...

Poet: Anonymous

In Burmah
SLEEP, love, sleep!
The dusty day is done.
Lo! from afar the freshening breezes sweep
Wide over groves of balm,
Down from the towering palm,
In at the open casement cooling run,
And round thy lowly bed,
Thy bed of pain,...