Emily Chubbuck Judson

  • In Burmah
    SLEEP, love, sleep!
    The dusty day is done.
    Lo! from afar the freshening breezes sweep
    Wide over groves of balm,
    Down from the towering palm,
    In at the open casement cooling run,
    And round thy lowly bed,
    Thy bed of pain,...

  • Ere last year’s moon had left the sky,
      A birdling sought my Indian nest,
    And folded, O, so lovingly,
      Her tiny wings upon my breast.

    From morn till evening’s purple tinge,
      In winsome helplessness she lies,
    Two rose-leaves, with a silken...

  • Sleep, love, sleep!
    The dusty day is done.
    Lo! from afar the freshening breezes sweep
    Wide over groves of balm,
    Down from the towering palm,
    In at the open casement cooling run,
    And round thy lowly bed,
    Thy bed of pain,
    Bathing thy...