Believe me, if all those endearing young charms
Which I gaze on so fondly today
Were to change by tomorrow and fleet in my arms
Like fairy gifts fading away,
Thou wouldst still be adored as this moment thou art
Let thy loveliness fade as it will

Poet: Thomas Moore

From the French by Louise Stuart Costello
WHILE yet these tears have power to flow
  For hours for ever past away;
While yet these swelling sighs allow
  My faltering voice to breathe a lay;
  While yet my hand can touch the chords,
    My tender...

Poet: Louise Labé

Come to these scenes of peace,
Where, to rivers murmuring,
The sweet birds all the summer sing,
Where cares and toil and sadness cease!
Stranger, does thy heart deplore
Friends whom thou wilt see no more?
Does thy wounded spirit prove

How many times these low feet staggered —

Only the soldered mouth can tell —

Try — can you stir the awful rivet —

Try — can you lift the hasps of steel!

Stroke the cool forehead — hot so often —

Lift — if you...


In rags mysterious as these

The shining Courtiers go —

Veiling the purple, and the plumes —

Veiling the ermine so.

Smiling, as they request an alms —

At some imposing door!

Smiling when we walk...


Of Tribulation, these are They,

Denoted by the White —

The Spangled Gowns, a lesser Rank

Of Victors — designate —

All these — did conquer —

But the ones who overcame most times —

Wear nothing...


The Products of my Farm are these

Sufficient for my Own

And here and there a Benefit

Unto a Neighbor's Bin.

With Us, 'tis Harvest all the Year

For when the Frosts begin

We just reverse the Zodiac...


These are the days that Reindeer love

And pranks the Northern star —

This is the Sun's objective,

And Finland of the Year.


These are the days when Birds come back —

A very few — a Bird or two —

To take a backward look.

These are the days when skies resume

The old — old sophistries of June —

A blue and gold mistake.



* * *

These are the Idiots chiefest artst

To blend & not define the Parts

The Swallow sings in Courts of Kings

That Fools have their high finishings
