• O’er a low couch the setting sun had thrown its latest ray,
    Where in his last strong agony a dying warrior lay,
    The stern old Baron Rudiger, whose frame had ne’er been bent
    By wasting pain, till time and toil its iron strength had spent.

    “They come around me here, and say my days of life are o’er,
    That I shall mount my noble steed and lead my band no...

  • O’er a low couch the setting sun
      Had thrown its latest ray,
    Where in his last strong agony
      A dying warrior lay,—
    The stern old Baron Rudiger,
      Whose frame had ne’er been bent
    By wasting pain, till time and toil
      Its iron strength had spent.

    “They come around me here, and say
      My days of life are o’er,

  • Deprived of other Banquet,

    I entertained Myself —

    At first — a scant nutrition —

    An insufficient Loaf —

    But grown by slender addings

    To so esteemed a size

    'Tis sumptuous enough for me —

    And almost to suffice

    A Robin's famine able —

    Red Pilgrim, He and I —...

  • An ancient Burrough in the West[1]

    Was lately put unto the test,

    Their loyalty and zeal to prove,

    If King and Country they did love.

    For you must know, within the town,[2]