• I would I had been island-born.
    I dearly love things insular:
    The coral bed, the quaint bazaar,
    The palm and breadfruit never shorn,
    The smoking cone that cannot char
    The azure of a tropic morn,
    The dancing girl in soft cymar,—
    All these such lures, such wonders are—
    Oh, why was I not island-born?

    In island crossed of...

  • As we the withered ferns
        By the roadway lying,
    Time, the jester, spurns
        All our prayers and prying—
        All our tears and sighing,
    Sorrow, change, and woe—
        All our where-and-whying
    For friends that come and go.

    Life awakes and burns.
      Age and death defying,
    Till at last it learns
        All but...

  • With a ripple of leaves and a tinkle of streams
      The full world rolls in a rhythm of praise,
    And the winds are one with the clouds and beams—
        Midsummer days! midsummer days!
      The dusk grows vast; in a purple haze,
    While the west from a rapture of sunset rights,
      Faint stars their exquisite lamps upraise—
        Midsummer nights! O...

  • I am weary of lying within the chase

    When the knights are meeting in market-place.

    Nay, go not thou to the red-roofed town

    Lest the hooves of the war-horse tread thee down.

    But I would not go where the Squires ride,

    I would only walk by my Lady's side.

    Alack! and alack! thou art...