• “love your neighbor as yourself,”—
      So the parson preaches:
    That ’s one half the Decalogue,—
      So the prayer-book teaches.
    Half my duty I can do
      With but little labor,
    For with all my heart and soul
      I do love my neighbor.

    Mighty little credit, that,
      To my self-denial;
    Not to love her, though, might be...

  • “i Saw him kiss your cheek!”—“’T is true.”
      “O Modesty!”—“’T was strictly kept:
    He thought me asleep; at least, I knew
      He thought I thought he thought I slept.”

  • “love your neighbor as yourself,”—
      So the parson preaches:
    That ’s one half the Decalogue,—
      So the prayer-book teaches.
    Half my duty I can do
      With but little labor,
    For with all my heart and soul
      I do love my neighbor.

    Mighty little credit, that,
      To my self-denial;
    Not to love her, though, might be...

  • High thoughts!
      They come and go,
        Like the soft breathings of a listening maiden,
      While round me flow
        The winds, from woods and fields with gladness laden:
    When the corn’s rustle on the ear doth come—
    When the eve’s beetle sounds its drowsy hum—
    When the stars, dew-drops of the summer sky,
    Watch over all with soft and...

  • I.
    oh, to be in England now that April’s there
    And whoever wakes in England sees, some morning, unaware,
    That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf
    Round the elm-tree bole are in tiny leaf,
    While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough
    In England—now!

    And after April, when May follows
    And the white-throat builds,...

  • It's thoughts — and just One Heart —

    And Old Sunshine — about —

    Make frugal — Ones — Content —

    And two or three — for Company —

    Upon a Holiday —

    Crowded — as Sacrament —

    Books — when the Unit —

    Spare the Tenant — long eno' —

    A Picture — if it Care —

    Itself — a...

  •         Speak low—tread softly through these halls;

               Here genius lives enshrined,—

            Here reign, in silent majesty,

               The monarchs of the mind.

            A mighty spirit-host they come,

               From every age and clime;

            Above the buried wrecks of...

  • Your thoughts don't have words every day

    They come a single time

    Like signal esoteric sips

    Of the communion Wine

    Which while you taste so native seems

    So easy so to be

    You cannot comprehend its price

    Nor its infrequency