• If thou dost bid thy friend farewell,
    But for one night though that farewell may be,
    Press thou his hand in thine.
    How canst thou tell how far from thee
    Fate or caprice may lead his steps ere that to-morrow comes?
    Men have been known to lightly turn the corner of a street,
    And days have grown to months, and months to lagging years,

  • Sienna
    I Love thee, love thee, Giulio!
      Some call me cold, and some demure,
    And if thou hast ever guessed that so
      I love thee … well;—the proof was poor,
      And no one could be sure.

    Before thy song (with shifted rhymes
      To suit my name) did I undo
    The persian? If it moved sometimes,
      Thou hast not seen a hand push...