It seemeth such a little way to me

        Across to that strange country—the Beyond;

And yet, not strange, for it has grown to be

        The home of those of whom I am so fond,

They make it seem familiar and most dear,


The year has but one June, dear friend;

       The year has but one June;

And when that perfect month doth end,

The robin's song, though loud, though long,

       Seems never quite in tune.

The rose, though...


Changed? Yes, I will confess it—I have changed.

        I do not love in the old fond way.

I am your friend still—time has not estranged

        One kindly feeling of that vanished day.

But the bright glamour which made...


When my blood flows calm as a purling river,

      When my heart is asleep and my brain has sway,

It is then that I vow we must part forever,

      That I will forget you, and put you away

Out of my life, as a dream is banished...


In the midnight of darkness and terror,

       When I would grope nearer to God,

With my back to a record of error

       And the highway of sin I have trod,

There come to me shapes I would banish—

       The shapes...


Said Death to Passion

"Give of thine an Acre unto me."

Said Passion, through contracting Breaths

"A Thousand Times Thee Nay."

Bore Death from Passion

All His East

He — sovereign as the Sun


The band was playing a waltz-quadrille,

         I felt as light as a wind-blown feather,

As we floated away, at the caller's will,

         Through the intricate, mazy dance together.

Like mimic armies our lines were meeting,...
