Once before, this self-same air
Passed me, though I know not where.
Strange! how very like it came!
Touch and fragrance were the same;
Sound of mingled voices, too,
With a light laugh ringing through;
Some one moving,—here or there,—

A purple cloud hangs half-way down;
  Sky, yellow gold below;
The naked trees, beyond the town,
  Like masts against it show,—

Bare masts and spars of our earth-ship,
  With shining snow-sails furled;
And through the sea of space we slip,...

Sorrow, my friend,
When shall you come again?
The wind is slow, and the bent willows send
Their silvery motions wearily down the plain.
The bird is dead
That sang this morning through the summer rain!

Sorrow, my friend,
I owe my soul to...

Once hoary Winter chanced—alas!
Alas! hys waye mistaking—
A leafless apple-tree to pass
Where Spring lay dreaming. “Fie, ye lass!
Ye lass had best he waking,”
Quoth he, and shook hys robe, and, lo!
Lo! forth didde flye a cloud of snowe.


The blackcaps pipe among the reeds,
  And there ’ll be rain to follow;
There is a murmur as of wind
  In every coign and hollow;
The wrens do chatter of their fears
While swinging on the barley-ears.

Come, hurry, while there yet is time,...

    BEHAVE yoursel’ before folk,
    Behave yoursel’ before folk,
And dinna be sae rude to me,
    As kiss me sae before folk.
It wouldna give me meikle pain,
Gin we were seen and heard by nane,
To tak’ a kiss, or grant you ane;

We knew it would rain, for all the morn
  A spirit on slender ropes of mist
Was lowering its golden buckets down
  Into the vapory amethyst

Of marshes and swamps and dismal fens—
  Scooping the dew that lay in the flowers,
Dipping the jewels out...

Once before, this self-same air
Passed me, though I know not where.
Strange! how very like it came!
Touch and fragrance were the same;
Sound of mingled voices, too,
With a light laugh ringing through;
Some one moving,—here or there,—

From “King Henry V.,” Act III. Sc. 1.
  ONCE more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead!
In peace, there ’s nothing so becomes a man,
As modest stillness, and humility:
But when the blast of war...

 “The dead hand clasped a letter.”

HERE in this leafy place,
  Quiet he lies,
Cold, with his sightless face
  Turned to the skies;
’T is but another dead;—
All you can say is said.

Carry his body hence...