Thou who, when fears attack,
Bid’st them avaunt, and Black
Care, at the horseman’s back
    Perching, unseatest;
Sweet when the morn is gray;
Sweet, when they ’ve cleared away
Lunch; and at close of day
    Possibly sweetest:


  YOU 1 see this pebble-stone? It ’s a thing I bought
Of a bit of a chit of a boy i’ the mid o’ the day—
I like to dock the smaller parts-o’-speech,
As we curtail the already cur-tailed cur
(You catch the paronomasia, play o’ words?)—
Did, rather, i’ the...

The AULD 1 wife sat at her ivied door,
  (Butter and eggs and a pound of cheese)
A thing she had frequently done before;
  And her spectacles lay on her aproned knees.

The piper he piped on the hill-top high,
  (Butter and eggs and a pound of cheese)...

IN 1 moss-prankt dells which the sunbeams flatter
  (And heaven it knoweth what that may mean;
Meaning, however, is no great matter)
  Where woods are a-tremble, with rifts atween;

Through God’s own heather we wonned together,
  I and my Willie (O love...

  ON, on, my brown Arab, away, away!
Thou hast trotted o’er many a mile to-day,
And I trow right meagre hath been thy fare
Since they roused thee at dawn from thy straw-piled lair,
To tread with those echoless, unshod feet
Yon weltering flats in the...

Forever! ’t is a single word!
  Our rude forefathers deemed it two;
Can you imagine so absurd
          A view?

Forever! What abysms of woe
  The word reveals, what frenzy, what
Despair! For ever (printed so)
          Did not.


She laid it where the sunbeams fall
Unscanned upon the broken wall.
Without a tear, without a groan,
She laid it near a mighty stone,
Which some rude swain had haply cast
Thither in sport, long ages past,
And time with mosses had o’erlaid,

’t Was ever thus from childhood’s hour
  My fondest hopes would not decay:
I never loved a tree or flower
  Which was the first to fade away!
The garden, where I used to delve
  Short-frocked, still yields me pinks in plenty;
The pear-tree that I...

I Watched her as she stooped to pluck
  A wild flower in her hair to twine;
And wished that it had been my luck
        To call her mine;

Anon I heard her rate with mad,
  Mad words her babe within its cot,
And felt particularly glad...