[356] All people on board!

Das ist nämlich so in Berlin:
Einer ist plötzlich für Biographien.
Und aus einem...

This the true sign of ruin to a race—
  It undertakes no march, and day by day
Drowses in camp, or, with the laggard’s pace,
  Walks sentry o’er possessions that decay;
  Destined, with sensible waste, to fleet away;—
For the first secret of continued...

We are the Ancient People;
  Our father is the Sun;
Our mother, the Earth, where the mountains tower
  And the rivers seaward run;
The stars are the children of the sky,
  The red men of the plain;
And ages over us both had rolled

       "Let there be light."


                     Light to the darkened mind

        Bear, like the sun, the world's wide circle round,

        Bright messengers that speak without a sound!



Do People moulder equally,

They bury, in the Grave?

I do believe a Species

As positively live

As I, who testify it

Deny that I — am dead —

And fill my Lungs, for Witness —

From Tanks —...


Her sovereign People

Nature knows as well

And is as fond of signifying

As if fallible —


I know of people in the Grave

Who would be very glad

To know the news I know tonight

If they the chance had had.

'Tis this expands the least event

And swells the scantest deed —

My right to walk upon...


I noticed People disappeared

When but a little child —

Supposed they visited remote

Or settled Regions wild —

But did because they died

A Fact withheld the little child —



Some people admire the work of a Fool

For its sure to keep your judgment cool

It does not reproach you with want of wit

It is not like a lawyer serving a writ


The feet of people walking home -

With gayer sandals go -

The Crocus, till she rises

The Vassal of the snow -

The lips at Hallelujah

Long years of practise bore -

Till bye and bye these Bargemen...
