William Gilmore Simms

  • Lithe and long as the serpent train,
      Springing and clinging from tree to tree,
    Now darting upward, now down again,
      With a twist and a twirl that are strange to see;
    Never took serpent a deadlier hold,
      Never the cougar a wilder spring,

  • When that my mood is sad, and in the noise
      And bustle of the crowd I feel rebuke,
    I turn my footsteps from its hollow joys
      And sit me down beside this little brook;
    The waters have a music to mine ear
        It glads me much to hear.

    It is a...

  • Not in the sky,
    Where it was seen,
    Nor on the white tops of the glistening wave,
    Nor in the mansions of the hidden deep,—
    Though green,
    And beautiful, its caves of mystery;—
    Shall the bright watcher have
    A place, and as of old high station...

  • The Wind blew wide the casement, and within—
    It was the loveliest picture!—a sweet child
    Lay in its mother’s arms, and drew its life,
    In pauses, from the fountain,—the white round
    Part shaded by loose tresses, soft and dark,
    Concealing, but still showing,...

  • Now are the winds about us in their glee,
    Tossing the slender tree;
    Whirling the sands about his furious car,
    March cometh from afar;
    Breaks the sealed magic of old Winter’s dreams,
    And rends his glassy streams;
    Chafing with potent airs, he...

  • This the true sign of ruin to a race—
      It undertakes no march, and day by day
    Drowses in camp, or, with the laggard’s pace,
      Walks sentry o’er possessions that decay;
      Destined, with sensible waste, to fleet away;—
    For the first secret of continued...

  • Not in the sky,
    Where it was seen
    So long in eminence of light serene,—
    Nor on the white tops of the glistering wave,
    Nor down in mansions of the hidden deep,
    Though beautiful in green
    And crystal, its great caves of mystery,—
    Shall the...

  • We follow where the Swamp Fox guides,
      His friends and merry men are we;
    And when the troop of Tarleton rides,
      We burrow in the cypress tree.
    The turfy hammock is our bed,
      Our home is in the red deer’s den,
    Our roof, the tree-top overhead,...