Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Strong John Vance Cheney English

Dost deem him weak that owns his strength is tried?
  Nay, we may safely lean on him that grieves:
The pine has immemorially sighed,
  The enduring poplar’s are the trembling leaves.

To feel, and bow the head, is not to fear;
  To cheat with jest—that is...

The Strong Heroic Line Oliver Wendell Holmes English

Friends of the Muse, to you of right belong
The first staid footsteps of my square-toed song;
Full well I know the strong heroic line
Has lost its fashion since I made it mine;
But there are tricks old singers will not learn,
And this grave measure still...

The Suburbs of a Secret English

The Suburbs of a Secret

A Strategist should keep,

Better than on a Dream intrude

To scrutinize the Sleep.

The Succession Frances Laughton Mace English

  as one by one the singers of our land,
  Summoned away by Death’s unfailing dart,
  Unto the greater mystery depart,
Sadly we watch them from the desolate strand,
Oh! who shall fill their places in the band
  Of tuneful voices? Who with equal art...

The Summer that we did not prize,

The Summer that we did not prize,

Her treasures were so easy

Instructs us by departing now

And recognition lazy —

Bestirs itself — puts on its Coat,

And scans with fatal promptness

For Trains that...

The Sun and Fog contested

The Sun and Fog contested

The Government of Day —

The Sun took down his Yellow Whip

And drove the Fog away —

The Sun and Moon must make their haste — English

The Sun and Moon must make their haste —

The Stars express around

For in the Zones of Paradise

The Lord alone is burned —

His Eye, it is the East and West —

The North and South when He

Do concentrate...

The Sun in reigning to the West

The Sun in reigning to the West

Makes not as much of sound

As Cart of man in road below

Adroitly turning round

That Whiffletree of Amethyst

The Sun is gay or stark English

The Sun is gay or stark

According to our Deed.

If Merry, He is merrier —

If eager for the Dead

Or an expended Day

He helped to make too bright

His mighty pleasure suits Us not


The Sun is one — and on the Tare English

The Sun is one — and on the Tare

He doth as punctual call

As on the conscientious Flower

And estimates them all —

The Sun kept setting — setting — still

The Sun kept setting — setting — still

No Hue of Afternoon —

Upon the Village I perceived

From House to House 'twas Noon —

The Dusk kept dropping — dropping — still

No Dew upon the Grass —

But only...

The Sun kept stooping — stooping — low! English

The Sun kept stooping — stooping — low!

The Hills to meet him rose!

On his side, what Transaction!

On their side, what Repose!

Deeper and deeper grew the stain

Upon the window pane —

Thicker and...

The Sun retired to a cloud

The Sun retired to a cloud

A Woman's shawl as big —

And then he sulked in mercury

Upon a scarlet log —

The drops on Nature's forehead stood

Home flew the loaded bees —

The South unrolled a purple fan...

The Sun Rising John Donne 1624 Love

Busy old fool, unruly Sun,
Why dost thou thus,
Through windows, and through curtains, call on us?
Must to thy motions lovers' seasons run?
Saucy pedantic wretch, go chide
Late school-boys and sour prentices,
Go tell court-huntsmen that the king will ride,...

The Sun Rising English

BUSY old fool, unruly Sun,
Why dost thou thus,

Through windows, and through curtains, call on us?

Must to thy motions lovers'...

The Sun went down — no Man looked on —

The Sun went down — no Man looked on —

The Earth and I, alone,

Were present at the Majesty —

He triumphed, and went on —

The Sun went up — no Man looked on —

The Earth and I and One

A nameless Bird...

The Sun — just touched the Morning — English

The Sun — just touched the Morning —

The Morning — Happy thing —

Supposed that He had come to dwell —

And Life would all be Spring!

She felt herself supremer —

A Raised — Ethereal Thing!


The Sun-Dial Austin Dobson English

’t Is an old dial, dark with many a stain;
  In summer crowned with drifting orchard bloom,
Tricked in the autumn with the yellow rain,
  And white in winter like a marble tomb.

And round about its gray, time-eaten brow
  Lean letters speak,—a worn and...

The Sunflower to the Sun Mary Elizabeth (Hewitt) Stebbins English

Hymettus’ bees are out on filmy wing,
  Dim Phosphor slowly fades adown the west,
And Earth awakes. Shine on me, O my king!
  For I with dew am laden and oppressed.

Long through the misty hours of morning gray
  The flowers have watched to hail thee from...

The Sunken City Wilhelm Müller 1814 English

From the German by James Clarence Mangan

HARK! the faint bells of the sunken city
  Peal once more their wonted evening chime!
From the deep abysses floats a ditty,
  Wild and wondrous, of the olden time.

Temples, towers, and domes of many stories...