Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Raven Edgar Allan Poe 1829 English

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,—
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
“’T is some visitor...

The Raven; with literary and historical commentary/Isadore English
The Razor-Seller John Wolcot English

A Fellow in a market-town,
Most musical, cried razors up and down,
  And offered twelve for eighteen pence;
Which certainly seemed wondrous cheap,
And, for the money, quite a heap,
  As every man would buy, with cash and sense.

A country bumpkin...

The Reaper and the Flowers Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1827 English

There is a Reaper, whose name is Death,
  And, with his sickle keen,
He reaps the bearded grain at a breath,
  And the flowers that grow between.

“Shall I have naught that is fair?” saith he;
  “Have naught but the bearded grain?
Though the...

The Recruit Robert William Chambers English

Sez Corporal Madden to Private McFadden:
    “Bedad, yer a bad ’un!
    Now turn out yer toes!
    Yer belt is unhookit,
    Yer cap is on crookit,
    Ye may not be dhrunk,
    But, be jabers, ye look it!

The Recruit Robert William Chambers English

Sez Corporal Madden to Private McFadden:
    “Bedad, yer a bad ’un!
    Now turn out yer toes!
    Yer belt is unhookit,
    Yer cap is on crookit,
    Ye may not be dhrunk,
    But, be jabers, ye look it!

The Red — Blaze — is the Morning — English

The Red — Blaze — is the Morning —

The Violet — is Noon —

The Yellow — Day — is falling —

And after that — is none —

But Miles of Sparks — at Evening —

Reveal the Width that burned —

The Territory...

The Reed Henry Bernard Carpenter English

Beneath the Memnonian shadows of Memphis, it rose from the slime,
A reed of the river, self-hid, as though shunning the curse of its crime,
And it shook as it measured in whispers the lapses of tide and of time.

It shuddered, it stooped, and was dumb, when the kings of...

The Reformer John Greenleaf Whittier 1827 English

All grim and soiled and brown and tan,
  I saw a Strong One, in his wrath,
Smiting the godless shrines of man
        Along his path.

The Church beneath her trembling dome
  Essayed in vain her ghostly charm:
Wealth shook within his gilded home...

The Relic (Donne) English

WHEN my grave is broke up again
Some second guest to entertain,
—For graves have learn'd that...

The Relief of Lucknow Robert Traill Spence Lowell English

[September 25, 1857]
O, THAT last day in Lucknow fort!
  We knew that it was the last;
That the enemy’s lines crept surely on,
  And the end was coming fast.

To yield to that foe meant worse than death;
  And the men and we all worked on;

The Religion of Hudibras Samuel Butler 1632 English

From “Hudibras,” Part I.
  HE was of that stubborn crew
Of errant saints, whom all men grant
To be the true church militant;
Such as do build their faith upon
The holy text of pike and gun;
Decide all controversies by
Infallible artillery,...

The Republic Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1827 English

From “The Building of the Ship”
THOU, too, sail on, O Ship of State!
Sail on, O UNION, strong and great!
Humanity with all its fears,
With all the hopes of future years,
Is hanging breathless on thy fate!
We know what Master laid thy keel,

The Resignation Thomas Chatterton 1772 English

O God, whose thunder shakes the sky,
  Whose eye this atom globe surveys,
To thee, my only rock, I fly,
  Thy mercy in thy justice praise.

The mystic mazes of thy will,
  The shadows of celestial light,
Are past the power of human skill;...

The Respite Maria Gowen Brooks English

The banquet-cups, of many a hue and shape,
  Bossed o’er with gems, were beautiful to view;
But, for the madness of the vaunted grape,
  Their only draught was a pure limpid dew,

To Spirits sweet; but these half-mortal lips
  Longed for the streams that...

The reticent volcano keeps English

The reticent volcano keeps

His never slumbering plan —

Confided are his projects pink

To no precarious man.

If nature will not tell the tale

Jehovah told to her

Can human nature not survive

The Retort George Pope Morris English

Old Birch, who taught the village school,
  Wedded a maid of homespun habit;
He was as stubborn as a mule,
  And she as playful as a rabbit.
Poor Kate had scarce become a wife
  Before her husband sought to make her
The pink of country polished...

The Return Annie Fields English

The bright sea washed beneath her feet,
  As it had done of yore,
The well-remembered odor sweet
  Came through her opening door.

Again the grass his ripened head
  Bowed where her raiment swept;
Again the fog-bell told of dread,

The Return of Napoleon from St - Helena by Lydia Huntley Sigourney English

Ho! city of the gay!
  Paris! what festal rite
Doth call thy thronging million forth,
  All eager for the sight?
Thy soldiers line the streets
  In fixed and stern array,
With buckled helm and bayonet,
  As on the battle-day.


The Revenge Alfred, Lord Tennyson English

A Ballad of the Fleet
AT Flores in the Azores Sir Richard Grenville lay,
And a pinnace, like a fluttered bird, came flying from far away:
“Spanish ships of war at sea! we have sighted fifty-three!”
Then sware Lord Thomas Howard: “’Fore God I am no coward...