Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Old Sexton Park Benjamin English

Nigh to a grave that was newly made,
Leaned a sexton old on his earth-worn spade;
His work was done, and he paused to wait
The funeral train at the open gate.
A relic of bygone days was he,
And his locks were white as the foamy sea;
And these words...

The Old Sexton Park Benjamin English

Nigh to a grave that was newly made,
Leaned a sexton old on his earth-worn spade;
His work was done, and he paused to wait
The funeral train at the open gate.
A relic of bygone days was he,
And his locks were white as the foamy sea;
And these words...

The Old Squire Wilfred Scawen Blunt 1860 English

I Like the hunting of the hare
  Better than that of the fox;
I like the joyous morning air,
  And the crowing of the cocks.

I like the calm of the early fields,
  The ducks asleep by the lake,
The quiet hour which Nature yields

The Old Vagabond Pierre Jean de Béranger English

Anonymous translation from the French
  HERE in the ditch my bones I ’ll lay;
    Weak, wearied, old, the world I leave.
  “He ’s drunk,” the passing crowd will say
    ’T is well, for none will need to grieve.
  Some turn their scornful heads away,...

The Old Village Choir Benjamin Franklin Taylor 1839 English

I Have fancied, sometimes, the Bethel-bent beam,
That trembled to earth in the patriarch’s dream,
Was a ladder of song in that wilderness rest,
From the pillar of stone to the blue of the blest,
And the angels descending to dwell with us here,
“Old Hundred...

The Old Violin Maurice Francis Egan English

Though tuneless, stringless, it lies there in dust,
  Like some great thought on a forgotten page;
The soul of music cannot fade or rust,—
  The voice within it stronger grows with age;
Its strings and bow are only trifling things—
A master-touch!—its...

The Old Violon English
The Old Year and the New William Cleaver Wilkinson English

Last night at twelve, amid the knee-deep snows,
A child of Time accepted his repose,—
The eighteen hundred fifty-sixth of grace,
With sudden chance, fell forward on his face.

Solemn and slow the winter sun had gone,
Sailing full early for the port of...

The One White Hair Walter Savage Landor 1795 English

        THE Wisest of the wise
        Listen to pretty lies,
          And love to hear them told;
        Doubt not that Solomon
        Listened to many a one,—
Some in his youth, and more when he grew old.

        I never sat among...

The One who could repeat the Summer day — English

The One who could repeat the Summer day —

Were greater than itself — though He

Minutest of Mankind should be —

And He — could reproduce the Sun —

At period of going down —

The Lingering — and the Stain — I mean...

The One-Hoss Shay Oliver Wendell Holmes English

Or, The Deacon’s Masterpiece
A Logical Story
HAVE you heard of the wonderful one-hoss shay,
That was built in such a logical way
It ran a hundred years to a day,
And then of a sudden, it—ah, but stay,
I ’ll tell you what happened without delay,...

The ones that disappeared are back English

The ones that disappeared are back

The Phoebe and the Crow

Precisely as in March is heard

The curtness of the Jay —

Be this an Autumn or a Spring

My wisdom loses way

One side of me the nuts are ripe

The only Ghost I ever saw English

The only Ghost I ever saw

Was dressed in Mechlin — so —

He wore no sandal on his foot —

And stepped like flakes of snow —

His Gait — was soundless, like the Bird —

But rapid — like the Roe —


The only man that eer I knew English

* * *

The only Man that eer I knew

Who did not make me almost spew

Was Fuseli he was both Turk & Jew

And so dear Christian Friends how do you do

The Only News I know English

The Only News I know

Is Bulletins all Day

From Immortality.

The Only Shows I see —

Tomorrow and Today —

Perchance Eternity —

The Only One I meet

Is God — The Only Street —

The Open Steeplechase English

I had ridden over hurdles up the country once or twice,

By the side of Snowy River with a horse they called "The Ace".

And we brought him down to Sydney, and our rider, Jimmy Rice,

Got a fall and broke his shoulder, so they nabbed me in a...

The Opening and the Close English

The Opening and the Close

Of Being, are alike

Or differ, if they do,

As Bloom upon a Stalk.

That from an equal Seed

Unto an equal Bud

Go parallel, perfected

In that they have decayed....

The Orient Lord Byron English

From “The Bride of Abydos”
KNOW ye the land where the cypress and myrtle
  Are emblems of deeds that are done in their clime;
Where the rage of the vulture, the love of the turtle,
  Now melt into sorrow, now madden to crime?
Know ye the land of the cedar...

The Other One Harry Thurston Peck English

Sweet little maid with winsome eyes
  That laugh all day through the tangled hair;
Gazing with baby looks so wise
  Over the arm of the oaken chair,
    Dearer than you is none to me,
      Dearer than you there can be none;
    Since in your...

The Other World Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe English

It lies around us like a cloud,
  The world we do not see;
Yet the sweet closing of an eye
  May bring us there to be.

Its gentle breezes fan our cheeks
  Amid our worldly cares;
Its gentle voices whisper love,
  And mingle with our...