Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Heath-Cock Joanna Baillie 1782 English

Good morrow to thy sable beak
And glossy plumage dark and sleek,
Thy crimson moon and azure eye,
Cock of the heath, so wildly shy:
I see thee slyly cowering through
That wiry web of silvery dew,
That twinkles in the morning air,

The Heaven vests for Each

The Heaven vests for Each

In that small Deity

It craved the grace to worship

Some bashful Summer's Day —

Half shrinking from the Glory

It importuned to see

Till these faint Tabernacles drop

The Heavens Are Our Riddle Herbert Bates English

The Heavens are our riddle; and the sea,
Forested earth, the grassy rustling plain,
Snows, rains, and thunders. Yea, and even we
Before ourselves stand ominous. In vain!
The stars still march their way, the sea still rolls,
The forests wave, the plain...

The Heaviest Cross of All Katherine Eleanor Conway English

I ’ve borne full many a sorrow, I ’ve suffered many a loss—
But now, with a strange, new anguish, I carry this last dread cross;
For of this be sure, my dearest, whatever thy life befall,
The cross that our own hands fashion is the heaviest cross of all.


The Heaving of the Lead Charles Dibdin 1765 English

For England when with favoring gale
  Our gallant ship up channel steered,
And, scudding under easy sail,
  The high blue western land appeared;
To heave the lead the seaman sprung,
And to the pilot cheerly sung,
            “By the deep—nine!”...

The Hebrew Nation did not write it

 * * *

The Hebrew Nation did not write it.

Avarice & Chastity did shite it. [2]

The Height of the Ridiculous Oliver Wendell Holmes English

I wrote some lines once on a time
    In wondrous merry mood,
And thought, as usual, men would say
    They were exceeding good.

They were so queer, so very queer,
    I laughed as I would die;
Albeit, in the general way,
    A sober man...

The Hemlock English

To satin races he is nought;

But children on the Don

Beneath his tabernacles play,

And Dnieper wrestlers run.

The Hen Matthias Claudius 1760 English

Anonymous translation from the German

A FAMOUS hen ’s my story’s theme,
  Which ne’er was known to tire
Of laying eggs, but then she ’d scream
So loud o’er every egg, ’t would seem
  The house must be on fire.
A turkey-cock, who ruled the walk,...

The Heritage James Russell Lowell English

The Rich man’s son inherits lands,
  And piles of brick, and stone, and gold,
And he inherits soft, white hands,
  And tender flesh that fears the cold,
  Nor dares to wear a garment old;
A heritage, it seems to me,
One scarce would wish to hold in...

The Hermit Oliver Goldsmith 1748 English

From “The Vicar of Wakefield”
“TURN, gentle Hermit of the dale,
  And guide my lonely way
To where yon taper cheers the vale
  With hospitable ray.

“For here forlorn and lost I tread,
  With fainting steps and slow;
Where wilds,...

The Hero of the Commune Margaret Junkin Preston English

“garÇon! you—you
    Snared along with this cursed crew?
(Only a child, and yet so bold,
Scarcely as much as ten years old!)
    Do you hear? do you know
Why the gendarmes put you there, in the row,
You, with those Commune wretches tall,...

The Heroic Age Richard Watson Gilder English

He speaks not well who doth his time deplore,
Naming it new and little and obscure,
Ignoble and unfit for lofty deeds.
All times were modern in the time of them,
And this no more than others. Do thy part
Here in the living day, as did the great

The High Tide at Gettysburg Will Henry Thompson English

A cloud possessed the hollow field,
The gathering battle’s smoky shield.
Athwart the gloom the lightning flashed,
And through the cloud some horsemen dashed,
And from the heights the thunder pealed.

Then at the brief command of Lee
Moved out that...

The High Tide at Gettysburg Will Henry Thompson English

[July 3, 1863]
A CLOUD possessed the hollow field,
The gathering battle’s smoky shield,
Athwart the gloom the lightning flashed,
And through the cloud some horsemen dashed,
And from the heights the thunder pealed.

Then at the brief command of Lee...

The Higher Good Theodore Parker English

Father, i will not ask for wealth or fame,
Though once they would have joyed my carnal sense:
I shudder not to bear a hated name,
Wanting all wealth, myself my sole defence.
But give me, Lord, eyes to behold the truth;
A seeing sense that knows the eternal...

The Higher Good Theodore Parker English

Father, I will not ask for wealth or fame,
  Though once they would have joyed my carnal sense:
I shudder not to bear a hated name,
  Wanting all wealth, myself my sole defence.
But give me, Lord, eyes to behold the truth;
  A seeing sense that knows the...

The Hills erect their Purple Heads English

The Hills erect their Purple Heads

The Rivers lean to see

Yet Man has not of all the Throng

A Curiosity.

The Hills in Purple syllables

The Hills in Purple syllables

The Day's Adventures tell

To little Groups of Continents

Just going Home from School.

The Hills of the Lord William Channing Gannett English

God ploughed one day with an earthquake,
  And drove his furrows deep!
The huddling plains upstarted,
  The hills were all a-leap!

But that is the mountains’ secret,
  Age-hidden in their breast;
“God’s peace is everlasting,”
  Are the...