Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Bell-Buoy (McClure's) English

At the careless end of night

  I thrill to the nearing screw,

I turn to the nearing light,

  And I call to the drowsy crew;

  And the mud boils foul and blue

As the blind bow backs away.

  Do they give me...

The Belle of the Ball Winthrop Mackworth Praed 1822 English

Years, years ago, ere yet my dreams
  Had been of being wise or witty,
Ere I had done with writing themes,
  Or yawned o’er this infernal Chitty,—
Years, years ago, while all my joys
  Were in my fowling-piece and filly;
In short, while I was yet a...

The Bells Edgar Allan Poe 1829 English

      hear the sledges with the bells,
            Silver bells!
What a world of merriment their melody foretells!
      How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle,
          In the icy air of night!
      While the stars, that oversprinkle

The Bells Edgar Allan Poe 1829 English

    HEAR the sledges with the bells—
            Silver bells!
What a world of merriment their melody foretells!
    How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle,
      In the icy air of night!
    While the stars that oversprinkle
    All the heavens seem to...

The Bells of Lynn Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1827 English

O curfew of the setting sun! O Bells of Lynn!
O requiem of the dying day! O Bells of Lynn!

From the dark belfries of yon cloud-cathedral wafted,
Your sounds aerial seem to float, O Bells of Lynn!

Borne on the evening wind across the crimson twilight,

The Bells of Shandon Francis Sylvester Mahony English

 Sabbata pango;
Funera plango;
Solemnia clango.
—Inscription on an Old Bell.    

WITH deep affection
And recollection
I often think on
  Those Shandon bells,
Whose sounds so wild would,
In the days of childhood,

The Betrayal of the Rose Edith Matilda Thomas English

A white rose had a sorrow—
    And a strange sorrow!
For her sisters they had none,
As they all sat around her
    Each on her feudal throne.
      A strange sorrow
For one with no to-morrow,
No yesterday, to call her own,

The Bible is an antique Volume —

The Bible is an antique Volume —

Written by faded men

At the suggestion of Holy Spectres —

Subjects — Bethlehem —

Eden — the ancient Homestead —

Satan — the Brigadier —

Judas — the Great Defaulter —

The Bibliomaniac's Prayer Eugene Field 1870 English

Keep me, I pray, in wisdom’s way,
  That I may truths eternal seek;
I need protecting care to-day,—
  My purse is light, my flesh is weak.
So banish from my erring heart
  All baleful appetites and hints
Of Satan’s fascinating art,

The Birch Stream Anna Boynton Averill 1863 English

At noon, within the dusty town,
Where the wild river rushes down,
  And thunders hoarsely all day long,
I think of thee, my hermit stream,
Low singing in thy summer dream
  Thine idle, sweet, old, tranquil song.

Northward, Katahdin’s chasmed pile...

The Bird did prance — the Bee did play — English

The Bird did prance — the Bee did play —

The Sun ran miles away

So blind with joy he could not choose

Between his Holiday

The morn was up — the meadows out

The Fences all but ran,

Republic of Delight...

The Bird her punctual music brings English

The Bird her punctual music brings

And lays it in its place —

Its place is in the Human Heart

And in the Heavenly Grace —

What respite from her thrilling toil

Did Beauty ever take —

But Work might be...

The Bird must sing to earn the Crumb English

The Bird must sing to earn the Crumb

What merit have the Tune

No Breakfast if it guaranty

The Rose content may bloom

To gain renown of Lady's Drawer

But if the Lady come

But once a Century, the Rose...

The Birds (Blake, Notebook) English
The Birds begun at Four o'clock — English

The Birds begun at Four o'clock —

Their period for Dawn —

A Music numerous as space —

But neighboring as Noon —

I could not count their Force —

Their Voices did expend

As Brook by Brook bestows...

The Birds of Bethlehem Richard Watson Gilder English

I heard the bells of Bethlehem ring—
  Their voice was sweeter than the priests’;
I heard the birds of Bethlehem sing
  Unbidden in the churchly feasts.

They clung and sung on the swinging chain
  High in the dim and incensed air;
The priests,...

The Birds reported from the South —

The Birds reported from the South —

A News express to Me —

A spicy Charge, My little Posts —

But I am deaf — Today —

The Flowers — appealed — a timid Throng —

I reinforced the Door —

Go blossom for...

The Bivouac of the Dead English

The muffled drum’s sad roll has beat
  The soldier’s last tattoo;
No more on Life’s parade shall meet
  That brave and fallen few.
On Fame’s eternal camping-ground
  Their silent tents are spread,
And Glory guards, with solemn round,

The Bivouac of the Dead Theodore O’Hara 1840 English

   [Dedication of a monument to Kentucky volunteers, killed at Buena Vista, Mexico]

THE MUFFLED drum’s sad roll has beat
  The soldier’s last tattoo;
No more on Life’s parade shall meet
  That brave and fallen few.
On Fame’s eternal camping-ground...

The Black Berry — wears a Thorn in his side — English

The Black Berry — wears a Thorn in his side —

But no Man heard Him cry —

He offers His Berry, just the same

To Partridge — and to Boy —

He sometimes holds upon the Fence —

Or struggles to a Tree —
