Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
Song Edward Coate Pinkney English

We break the glass, whose sacred wine
  To some beloved health we drain,
Lest future pledges, less divine,
  Should e’er the hallowed toy profane;
And thus I broke a heart that poured
  Its tide of feelings out for thee,
In draught, by after-times...

Song Frances Sargent Osgood English

Your heart is a music-box, dearest!
  With exquisite tunes at command,
Of melody sweetest and clearest,
  If tried by a delicate hand;
But its workmanship, love, is so fine,
  At a single rude touch it would break;
Then, oh! be the magic key mine,...

Song Frederick William Thomas English

’t is said that absence conquers love!
  But, oh! believe it not;
I ’ve tried, alas! its power to prove,
  But thou art not forgot.
Lady, though fate has bid us part,
  Yet still thou art as dear,
As fixed in this devoted heart,
  As when I...

Song Maria White Lowell English

O bird, thou dartest to the sun,
When morning beams first spring,
And I, like thee, would swiftly run;
As sweetly would I sing.
Thy burning heart doth draw thee up
Unto the source of fire;
Thou drinkest from its glowing cup
And quenchest...

Song Bayard Taylor English

Daughter of Egypt, veil thine eyes!
  I cannot bear their fire;
Nor will I touch with sacrifice
  Those altars of desire.
For they are flames that shun the day,
  And their unholy light
Is fed from natures gone astray
  In passion and in...

Song Celia Thaxter English

We sail toward evening’s lonely star
  That trembles in the tender blue;
One single cloud, a dusky bar,
  Burnt with dull carmine through and through,
Slow smouldering in the summer sky,
  Lies low along the fading west.
How sweet to watch its...

Song Francis Howard Williams English

  a bird in my bower
    Sat calling, a-calling;
A bird answered low from the garden afar.
  His note came with power,
    While falling, a-falling,
Her note quivered faint as the light of a star.
  “I am Life! I am Life!”
    From the...

Song Sophie Jewett English

Thy face I have seen as one seeth
  A face in a dream,
Soft drifting before me as drifteth
  A leaf on the stream:
A face such as evermore fleeth
  From following feet,
A face such as hideth and shifteth
  Evasive and sweet.


Song Alice Duer Miller English

The Light of spring
  On the emerald earth,
A man, a maid,
  And a mood of mirth,
A foolish jest,
  That a smile amends—
It took no more
  To make us friends.

An evening breeze,
  The year in bloom,
Lips quickly...

Song Walther von der Vogelweide 1190 English

From the German by Edgar Taylor
        WHEN from the sod the flowerets spring,
          And smile to meet the sun’s bright ray,
        When birds their sweetest carols sing,
          In all the morning pride of May,
        What lovelier than the...

Song (Emily Brontë 5)
Song and Science Milicent Washburn Shinn English

Spirit of song, whose shining wings have borne
Our souls of old to many a clear blue height,
Comes there the day that leaves our world forlorn
Of thy clear singing in the haunted night?
For while from out the western radiance low
Like stars the great dead...

Song for "The Jaquerie" Sidney Lanier 1862 English

the sun has kissed the violet sea,
  And burned the violet to a rose.
O Sea! wouldst thou not better be
  Mere violet still? Who knows? Who knows?
    Well hides the violet in the wood:
    The dead leaf wrinkles her a hood,

Song from "Ben Hur" Lew Wallace English

Wake not, but hear me, love!
  Adrift, adrift on slumber’s sea,
  Thy spirit call to list to me.
Wake not, but hear me, love!
  A gift from Sleep, the restful king,
  All happy, happy dreams I bring.

Wake not, but hear me, love!
  Of all...

Song from a Drama Edmund Clarence Stedman English

Thou art mine, thou hast given thy word;
  Close, close in my arms thou art clinging;
  Alone for my ear thou art singing
A song which no stranger hath heard:
But afar from me yet, like a bird,
Thy soul, in some region unstirred,
  On its mystical...

Song in March William Gilmore Simms English

Now are the winds about us in their glee,
Tossing the slender tree;
Whirling the sands about his furious car,
March cometh from afar;
Breaks the sealed magic of old Winter’s dreams,
And rends his glassy streams;
Chafing with potent airs, he...

Song of Clan-Alpine Sir Walter Scott 1791 English

From “The Lady of the Lake,” Canto II.
  LOUD a hundred clansmen raise
  Their voices in their chieftain’s praise.
  Each boatman, bending to his oar,
  With measured sweep the burthen bore,
  In such wild cadence, as the breeze
  Makes through...

Song of Egla Maria Gowen Brooks English

Day in melting purple dying,
Blossoms all around me sighing,
Fragrance from the lilies straying,
Zephyr with my ringlets playing,
    Ye but waken my distress:
    I am sick of loneliness.

Thou to whom I love to hearken,
Come ere night...

Song of Egla Maria Gowen Brooks English

Day, in melting purple dying;
Blossoms, all around me sighing;
Fragrance, from the lilies straying;
Zephyr, with my ringlets playing;
      Ye but waken my distress;
      I am sick of loneliness!

Thou, to whom I love to hearken,

Song of Eros, in "Agathon" George Edward Woodberry English

When love in the faint heart trembles,
  And the eyes with tears are wet,
Oh, tell me what resembles
  Thee, young Regret?
Violets with dewdrops drooping;
  Lilies o’erfull of gold,
Roses in June rains stooping,
  That weep for the cold,...