Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
Witchcraft by a Picture

I FIX mine eye on thine, and there
Pity my picture burning in thine eye;

My picture drown'd in a transparent tear,
When I look lower I espy;...

Witchcraft has not a Pedigree English

Witchcraft has not a Pedigree

'Tis early as our Breath

And mourners meet it going out

The moment of our death —

Witchcraft was hung, in History,

Witchcraft was hung, in History,

But History and I

Find all the Witchcraft that we need

Around us, every Day —

With a Flower English

I hide myself within my flower,

That wearing on your breast,

You, unsuspecting, wear me too —

And angels know the rest.

I hide myself within my...

With a Nantucket Shell Charles Henry Webb English

I send thee a shell from the ocean beach;
But listen thou well, for my shell hath speech.
      Hold to thine ear,
      And plain thou’lt hear
      Tales of ships
      That were lost in the rips,
      Or that sunk on shoals

With a Nantucket Shell Charles Henry Webb English

I Send a shell from the ocean beach;
But listen thou well, for my shell hath speech.
          Hold to thine ear,
          And plain thou ’lt hear
          Tales of ships
          That were lost in the rips,
          Or that sunk on the shoals...

With a Rose from Conway Castle Julia Caroline Ripley Dorr English

On hoary Conway’s battlemented height,
O poet-heart, I pluck for thee a rose!
Through arch and court the sweet wind wandering goes;
Round each high tower the rooks in airy flight
Circle and wheel, all bathed in amber light;
Low at my feet the winding river...

With a Spray of Apple Blossoms Walter Learned English

The promise of these fragrant flowers,
  The fruit that ’neath these blossoms lies
Once hung, they say, in Eden’s bowers,
  And tempted Eve in Paradise.

O fairest daughter of Eve’s blood,
  Lest her misprision thine should be,
I ’ve nipped...

With happiness stretchd across the hills

 * * *

With happiness stretchd across the hills

In a cloud that dewy sweetness distills

With a blue sky spread over with wings

And a mild sun that mounts & sings

With Lilacs Charles Henry Crandall English

I beg the pardon of these flowers
For bringing them to one whose hair
Alone doth shame, beyond compare,
The sweetest blooms of richest bowers.

I beg the pardon of this maid
For offering them with hand less pure,
A heart less perfect, needing cure...

With Pinions of Disdain English

With Pinions of Disdain

The soul can farther fly

Than any feather specified

in Ornithology —

It wafts this sordid Flesh

Beyond its dull — control

And during its electric gale —

The body is a...

With Roses Beatrix Demarest Lloyd English

In each green leaf a memory let lie:
The pain that follows on the heels of bliss
In every thorn; each waft of incense be a sign
For love: each petal of each rose a kiss!

With sweetness unabated English

With sweetness unabated

Informed the hour had come

With no remiss of triumph

The autumn started home

Her home to be with Nature

As competition done

By influential kinsmen

Invited to...

With thee, in the Desert — English

With thee, in the Desert —

With thee in the thirst —

With thee in the Tamarind wood —

Leopard breathes — at last!

With Wordsworth at Rydal James Thomas Fields English

The grass hung wet on Rydal banks,
The golden day with pearls adorning,
When side by side with him we walked
To meet midway the summer morning.

The west wind took a softer breath,
The sun himself seemed brighter shining,
As through the porch the...

Within my Garden, rides a Bird

Within my Garden, rides a Bird

Upon a single Wheel —

Whose spokes a dizzy Music make

As 'twere a travelling Mill —

He never stops, but slackens

Above the Ripest Rose —

Partakes without alighting...

Within my reach! English

Within my reach !

I could have touched !

I might have chanced that way !

Soft sauntered through the village,

Sauntered as soft away !


Within that little Hive

Within that little Hive

Such Hints of Honey lay

As made Reality a Dream

And Dreams, Reality —

Within thy Grave! English

Within thy Grave!

Oh no, but on some other flight —

Thou only camest to mankind

To rend it with Good night —

Without a smile — Without a Throe

Without a smile — Without a Throe

A Summer's soft Assemblies go

To their entrancing end

Unknown — for all the times we met —

Estranged, however intimate —

What a dissembling Friend —