Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
We never know we go when we are going —

We never know we go when we are going —

We jest and shut the Door —

Fate — following — behind us bolts it —

And we accost no more —

We outgrow love, like other things

We outgrow love, like other things

And put it in the Drawer —

Till it an Antique fashion shows —

Like Costumes Grandsires wore.

We play at Paste —

We play at Paste —

Till qualified, for Pearl —

Then, drop the Paste —

And deem ourself a fool —

The Shapes — though — were similar —

And our new Hands

Learned Gem-Tactics —


We pray — to Heaven — English

We pray — to Heaven —

We prate — of Heaven —

Relate — when Neighbors die —

At what o'clock to heaven — they fled —

Who saw them — Wherefore fly?

Is Heaven a Place — a Sky — a Tree?

Location's narrow...

We see — Comparatively — English

We see — Comparatively —

The Thing so towering high

We could not grasp its segment

Unaided — Yesterday —

This Morning's finer Verdict —

Makes scarcely worth the toil —

A furrow — Our Cordillera —...

We send the Wave to find the Wave — English

We send the Wave to find the Wave —

An Errand so divine,

The Messenger enamored too,

Forgetting to return,

We make the wise distinction still,

Soever made in vain,

The sagest time to dam the sea is when...

We shall find the Cube of the Rainbow.

We shall find the Cube of the Rainbow.

Of that, there is no doubt.

But the Arc of a Lover's conjecture

Eludes the finding out.

We should not mind so small a flower — English

We should not mind so small a flower —

Except it quiet bring

Our little garden that we lost

Back to the Lawn again.

So spicy her Carnations nod —

So drunken, reel her Bees —

So silver steal a hundred...

We shun because we prize her Face English

We shun because we prize her Face

Lest sight's ineffable disgrace

Our Adoration stain

We shun it ere it comes, English

We shun it ere it comes,

Afraid of Joy,

Then sue it to delay

And lest it fly,

Beguile it more and more —

May not this be

Old Suitor Heaven,

Like our dismay at thee?

We talked as Girls do —

We talked as Girls do —

Fond, and late —

We speculated fair, on every subject, but the Grave —

Of ours, none affair —

We handled Destinies, as cool —

As we — Disposers — be —

And God, a Quiet Party...

We talked with each other about each other English

We talked with each other about each other

Though neither of us spoke —

We were listening to the seconds' Races

And the Hoofs of the Clock —

Pausing in Front of our Palsied Faces

Time compassion took —


We thirst at first — 'tis Nature's Act — English

We thirst at first — 'tis Nature's Act —

And later — when we die —

A little Water supplicate —

Of fingers going by —

It intimates the finer want —

Whose adequate supply

Is that Great Water in the...

We Walked among the Whispering Pines John Henry Boner English

It was a still autumnal day—
  So sadly still and strangely bright—
The hectic glow of quick decay
  Tinged everything with lovely light.
It warmly touched the fragrant air
  And fields of corn and crumbling vines
Along the golden Yadkin, where...

We wear our sober Dresses when we die, English

We wear our sober Dresses when we die,

But Summer, frilled as for a Holiday

Adjourns her sigh —

We Were Boys Together George Pope Morris English

We were boys together,
  And never can forget
The school-house near the heather,
  In childhood where we met;
The humble home to memory dear,
  Its sorrows and its joys;
Where woke the transient smile or tear,
  When you and I were boys....

We — Bee and I — live by the quaffing — English

We — Bee and I — live by the quaffing —

'Tisn't all Hock — with us —

Life has its Ale —

But it's many a lay of the Dim Burgundy —

We chant — for cheer — when the Wines — fail —

Do we "get drunk"?


We'll pass without the parting English

We'll pass without the parting

So to spare

Certificate of Absence —

Deeming where

I left Her I could find Her

If I tried —

This way, I keep from missing

Those that died.

Wear i sei Michel Buck 1892 German

Wear i sei.

I bi’ gebôara’n unter Tannazapfa,
Im Wald duß wôara’n älltäg vola Haz[1].

Webster (Botta)

       "When I and all those that hear me shall have gone to our last home, and

        when the mould may have gathered on our memories, as it will on our

        tombs:" -- Webster's Speech in the Senate, July, 1850.

