Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Mountebanks Charles Henry Luders English

Over our heads the branches made
A canopy of woven shade.

The birds about this beechen tent
Like deft attendants came and went.

A shy wood-robin, fluting low,
Furnished the music for the show.

The cricket and the grasshopper
A portion...

The Mower in Ohio John James Piatt English

The bees in the clover are making honey, and I am making my hay:
The air is fresh, I seem to draw a young man’s breath to-day.

The bees and I are alone in the grass: the air is so very still
I hear the dam, so loud, that shines beyond the sullen mill.

Yes, the...

The Mowers Myron B. Benton 1854 English

The Sunburnt mowers are in the swath—
        Swing, swing, swing!
    The towering lilies loath
    Tremble and totter and fall;
        The meadow-rue
Dashes its tassels of golden dew;
    And the keen blade sweeps o’er all—

The Murder William Shakespeare 1584 English

From “Macbeth,” Act II. Sc. 2.
SCENE in the Castle.  Enter LADY MACBETH.
  LADY MACBETH.—That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold,
What hath quenched them hath given me fire. Hark!—Peace!
It was the owl that shrieked, the fatal bellman,
Which gives...

The Murmur of a Bee English

The Murmur of a Bee

A Witchcraft — yieldeth me —

If any ask me why —

'Twere easier to die —

Than tell —

The Red upon the Hill

Taketh away my will —

If anybody sneer —


The murmuring of Bees, has ceased English

The murmuring of Bees, has ceased

But murmuring of some

Posterior, prophetic,

Has simultaneous come.

The lower metres of the Year

When Nature's laugh is done

The Revelations of the Book


The Mushroom is the Elf of Plants —

The Mushroom is the Elf of Plants —

At Evening, it is not —

At Morning, in a Truffled Hut

It stop upon a Spot

As if it tarried always

And yet its whole Career

Is shorter than a Snake's Delay

The Mylora Elopement English

By the winding Wollondilly where the weeping willows weep,

And the shepherd, with his billy, half awake and half asleed,

Folds his fleecy flocks that linger homewards in the setting sun

Lived my hero, Jim the Ringer, "cocky" on Mylora Run....

The Mystery Lilian Whiting English

You gave me roses, love, last night,
When the sea was blue and the skies were bright;
And the earth was aglow with a golden light
When you gave me roses, love, last night.

Lilies I lay by your side to-day,
And your face—it is colder and whiter than they...

The Mystic’s Vision Mathilde Blind English

Ah! I shall kill myself with dreams!
  These dreams that softly lap me round
Through trance-like hours in which meseems
  That I am swallowed up and drowned;
Drowned in your love, which flows o’er me
  As o’er the seaweed flows the sea.


The Mystified Quaker in New York Anonymous English

Respected Wife: By these few lines my whereabouts thee ’ll learn:
Moreover, I impart to thee my serious concern.
The language of this people is a riddle unto me;
For words with them are figments of a reckless mockery.
For instance, as I left the cars, a youth with...

The name — of it — is "Autumn" — English

The name — of it — is "Autumn" —

The hue — of it — is Blood —

An Artery — upon the Hill —

A Vein — along the Road —

Great Globules — in the Alleys —

And Oh, the Shower of Stain —

When Winds — upset...

The Nantucket Skipper James Thomas Fields English

Many a long, long year ago,
  Nantucket skippers had a plan
Of finding out, though “lying low,”
  How near New York their schooners ran.

They greased the lead before it fell,
  And then by sounding through the night,
Knowing the soil that stuck...

The National Paintings Joseph Rodman Drake English

Awake, ye forms of verse divine!
  Painting! descend on canvas wing,—
And hover o’er my head, Design!
  Your son, your glorious son, I sing;
At Trumbull’s name I break my sloth,
  To load him with poetic riches:
The Titian of a table-cloth!...

The Nation’s Prayer Crammond Kennedy English

before Thy Throne we bow:
O God, our shield be Thou
    From Treason’s rage!
In faith we look to Thee,
Our strength in Heav’n we see,
Defender of the free,
    In ev’ry age.

Our follies we confess:...

The nearest Dream recedes — unrealized — English

The nearest Dream recedes — unrealized —

The Heaven we chase,

Like the June Bee — before the School Boy,

Invites the Race —

Stoops — to an easy Clover —

Dips — evades — teases — deploys —

Then — to the...

The Negro's Complaint

Forced from home and all its pleasures,

  Afric's coast I left forlorn;

To increase a stranger's treasures,

  O'er the raging billows borne.

Men from England bought and sold me,

  Paid my price in paltry gold;

The Nevermore Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1848 English

Look in my face; my name is Might-have-been;
  I am also called No-more, Too-late, Farewell;
  Unto thine ear I hold the dead-sea shell
Cast up thy Life’s foam-fretted feet between;
Unto thine eyes the glass where that is seen
  Which had Life’s form and...

The New Arrival George Washington Cable English

There came to port last Sunday night
  The queerest little craft,
Without an inch of rigging on;
  I looked and looked—and laughed!
It seemed so curious that she
  Should cross the Unknown water,
And moor herself within my room—

The New Birth (Very) English

'Tis a new life—thoughts move not as they did

With slow uncertain steps across my mind,

In thronging haste fast pressing on they bid

The portals open to the viewless wind;

That comes not, save when in the dust is laid