Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Loon Alfred Billings Street English

Tameless in his stately pride, along the lake of islands,
  Tireless speeds the lonely loon upon his diving track;—
Emerald and gold emblazon, satin-like, his shoulder,
  Ebony and pearl inlay, mosaic-like, his back.
Sailing, thus sailing, thus sails the brindled...

The Lord of Butrago Anonymous English

From the Spanish by John Gibson Lockhart
“YOUR horse is faint, my King, my Lord! your gallant horse is sick,—
His limbs are torn, his breast is gored, on his eye the film is thick;
Mount, mount on mine, O mount apace, I pray thee, mount and fly!
Or in my arms I ’ll...

The Lore-Lei Heinrich Heine 1817 English

Anonymous translation from the German

I KNOW not whence it rises,
  This thought so full of woe;—
But a tale of times departed
  Haunts me—and will not go.

The air is cool, and it darkens,
  And calmly flows the Rhine;
The mountain peaks...

The Lost Colors Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward English

Frowning, the mountain stronghold stood,
Whose front no mortal could assail;
For more than twice three hundred years
The terror of the Indian vale.
By blood and fire the robber band
Answered the helpless village wail.

Hot was his heart and cool...

The Lost Genius John James Piatt English

A giant came to me when I was young,
  My instant will to ask—
My earthly Servant, from the earth he sprung
  Eager for any task!

“What wilt thou, O my Master?” he began,
  “Whatever can be,” I.
“Say thy first wish—whate’er thou wilt I can,”...

The Lost Heir Thomas Hood 1819 English

 “O where, and O where
Is my bonnie laddie gone?”
—OLD SONG.    

ONE day, as I was going by
That part of Holborn christened High,
I heard a loud and sudden cry
  That chilled my very blood;
And lo! from out a dirty alley,
Where pigs...

The Lost Leader Robert Browning 1832 English

JUST 1 for a handful of silver he left us,
  Just for a ribbon to stick in his coat—
Found the one gift of which fortune bereft us,
  Lost all the others she lets us devote;
They, with the gold to give, doled him out silver,
  So much was theirs who so...

The Lost Pleiad William Gilmore Simms English

Not in the sky,
Where it was seen
So long in eminence of light serene,—
Nor on the white tops of the glistering wave,
Nor down in mansions of the hidden deep,
Though beautiful in green
And crystal, its great caves of mystery,—
Shall the...

The Lost Pleiad William Gilmore Simms English

Not in the sky,
Where it was seen,
Nor on the white tops of the glistening wave,
Nor in the mansions of the hidden deep,—
Though green,
And beautiful, its caves of mystery;—
Shall the bright watcher have
A place, and as of old high station...

The Lost Sheep Elizabeth Cecilia Clephane English

(“The Ninety and Nine”)
THERE were ninety and nine that safely lay
  In the shelter of the fold;
But one was out on the hills away,
  Far off from the gates of gold,
Away on the mountain wild and bare,
Away from the tender Shepherd’s care.

The Lost Thrill James Whitcomb Riley 1869 Love

I grow so weary, someway, of all things
That love and loving have vouchsafed to me,
Since now all dreamed-of sweets of ecstasy
Am I possessed of: The caress that clings—
The lips that mix with mine with murmurings
No language may interpret, and the free,

The Lotus-Eaters Alfred, Lord Tennyson English

“courage!” he said, and pointed toward the land;
“This morning wave shall roll us shoreward soon.”
In the afternoon they came unto a land
In which it seemed always afternoon.
All round the coast the languid air did swoon,
Breathing like one that...

The Love a Life can show Below

The Love a Life can show Below

Is but a filament, I know,

Of that diviner thing

That faints upon the face of Noon —

And smites the Tinder in the Sun —

And hinders Gabriel's Wing —

'Tis this — in...

The Love of God Eliza Scudder English

Thou Grace Divine, encircling all,
  A soundless, shoreless sea!
Wherein at last our souls must fall,
  O Love of God most free!

When over dizzy heights we go,
  One soft hand blinds our eyes,
The other leads us, safe and slow,
  O Love...

The Love of God Supreme Gerhard Tersteegen 1717 English

From the German by John Wesley
THOU hidden love of God, whose height,
  Whose depth unfathomed no man knows,
I see from far thy beauteous light,
  Inly I sigh for thy repose.
My heart is pained, nor can it be
At rest till it finds rest in thee....

The Love-Knot Nora Perry English

Tying her bonnet under her chin,
She tied her raven ringlets in;
But not alone in the silken snare
Did she catch her lovely floating hair,
For, tying her bonnet under her chin,
She tied a young man’s heart within.

They were strolling together up...

The Love-Knot Nora Perry English

Tying her bonnet under her chin,
She tied her raven ringlets in.
But not alone in the silken snare
Did she catch her lovely floating hair,
For, tying her bonnet under her chin,
She tied a young man’s heart within.

They were strolling together up...

The Loveliness of Love George Darley 1815 English

It is not Beauty I demand,
  A crystal brow, the moon’s despair,
Nor the snow’s daughter, a white hand,
  Nor mermaid’s yellow pride of hair:

Tell me not of your starry eyes,
  Your lips that seem on roses fed,
Your breasts, where Cupid tumbling...

The Lover Richard Henry Stoddard English

It is dark and lonesome here,
  Beneath the windy eaves:—
The cold, cold ground my bed,
  My coverlet dead leaves,
My only bedfellow
  The rain that wets my sleeves!

If it be day, or night,
  I know not, cannot say,
For I am like...

The Lover's Song Edward Rowland Sill English

Lend me thy fillet, Love!
  I would no longer see:
Cover mine eyelids close awhile,
  And make me blind like thee.

Then might I pass her sunny face,
  And know not it was fair;
Then might I hear her voice, nor guess
  Her starry eyes were...